Walk of Life, Day 07, October 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. OPT TO.
Opt to stay in fellowship with Jesus
Proverbs 7:11 “She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house”
“Stay at home” is one of the statements that has been used very frequently since the outbreak of the pandemic. Initially many of us might have enjoyed staying at home, taking rest from our busy routines. However, after few weeks it became hard for the policemen to stop people, mostly young to stop coming out from their home, that they introduced fines and punishments. A deadly pandemic could not make a man stay at home. Only if the person infected opted to stay home, the spread of the virus would have reduced. Today we are going to read why as a child of God, we should be opting to stay at home. What is this home? Why should we not step out? Let us look back into the history in the scriptures, about the lives of two women who stepped out of their home and have brought trouble not just to themselves, but also to their family.
Eve went out all alone wandering in the Garden of Eden. Satan in the form of a serpent came to her, to trick her and make her forsake the commandment. Eve could not discern the wicked plans of the Satan and disobeyed God’s commandment. Thereby, she and her husband were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Not just physically, but even spiritually they got separated from God. Home shows fellowship. Only if Eve had desired to stay in the fellowship with Adam, the story would have been different.
Again, in the life of Dinah, Jacob’s daughter we find the same mistake. In Genesis 34 we read that Dinah went out to the see the daughters of the land. She thereby invited trouble in the form of Shechem, the end result was that her brothers turned into murderers. Their act put their father, Jacob to worry. Only if Dinah stayed with her family, she would have protected herself from shame and would have also protected the fame of her family.
Just because only women characters were discussed in the article, it does not mean only women should opt to stay at home. Does this mean women should not go out having their home alone? No, it does not. A woman when needed, has to go out to work to support her family.
Let us take this personally in spiritual prospective, irrespective of our age and gender. Our home and fellowship is with the Lord Jesus Christ. When you step out of that fellowship you are inviting trouble. So, opt to stay home, that is in the fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan tempts the children of God in many ways to bring us out of the fellowship. If you once give him a chance, he will push you into troubles. Going out of the presence of the Lord is like going out into the war field unarmed.