Published On: Fri, Oct 8th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 09, October,2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. OPT TO

Opt to be corrected.

Proverbs 9:8 “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.”

Gone are those days when discipline was given the priority. Now a days we find the emotions of the people more important rather than discipline and order. I heard it many times from my elders about how they were disciplined by their elders, at home, at church as well as in their school. Trust me, all of them are in respectable positions today. Is it the same with us today? Undoubtedly, the answer is ‘No’.

Just imagine that you took your child out to a public park. You see your child picking up filthy thing and rubbing it to his shirt. At the same time you also see another child, who is not your own doing same thing like that. Whom would you admonish or correct with all authority? Obviously, you would be so mindful and concerned about your child first, and sometimes just your child alone.

When we, being the children of God, pick up some filthy wrong practices, would not our father in heaven, admonish us? Is it not needful for us to be corrected by Him? Give it a thought!

However, many of us do not find it difficult to be corrected by God. The thing that bothers us is the medium that God choses to correct us. We do not want His servants or His people to be the carriers of God’s message to us. We desire that God himself would come to us directly or give us the divine power to correct ourselves without anyone’s help.

Firstly, if God is correcting you in your spiritual walk, say ‘Praise the Lord’: for we can know that we share the bond of a father- child with God. Secondly, accept the correction immediately, irrespective of the medium through which it comes to you. It might be your parents or your church members or your elders. Accept it as if it is from the Lord. Do not straight away reject them, but try to cross check with the Lord in prayer, asking Him to speak to you once again through His word. This will lead you into happiness. Though you might feel embarrassed sometimes to be admonished in public, but never mind it is for you to be praised publicly on that glorious day by the God himself. Thirdly, accepting correction is followed by mending ways. Try not to repeat the same mistake again and again.

As we read in today’s verse, if we be a scorner, it is very easy for us to reject the correction and hate the reprove. However, if we be wise, we would love to be corrected to be made perfect and we would love the reprove.

There are many who have been shifting churches these days just because some elder informed them where they are going wrong. Just give it a thought, you might change churches or assemblies, if heaven has got the same rule for you to enter, would you be planning to shift there too? I am sorry, if you want to shift, there is only one place that is hell, which I am sure you would never want to go.

So, when we are being corrected, let us opt to be corrected.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.