Walk of Life – Day 14 – November 2021 – Give thanks Unto the Lord
Psalm 136:4 – To Him who doeth great things; for His mercy endureth forever.
Give thanks for He doeth great wonders
This is a beautiful psalm and it so vividly describes the wonders that God did for Israel as a nation. Our God is a wonder-working God. The way the Lord led the children of Israel from bondage into the promised land is a reflection of how the Lord saves us from the bondage of sin and will lead us into His heavenly kingdom. Each step that they took, all the pathways that He led them through were miracles that needed to be mentioned. Just imagine a huge multitude being led for 40 years in the wilderness and Moses records ” These forty years the Lord has been with you and you lacked nothing.”
Some wonders worth mention are the angel of God and the pillar of cloud and fire that guarded the multitude (Exodus 13:21-22; 14:19). Just imagine you are on a long journey, in a barren desert, but you can clearly see a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night leading you. When the pillar stops moving, you camp…when the pillar starts moving you pick up your things and move on…such a blessed life. As God’s children we have the same privilege…the still small voice of the Holy Spirit through His Word speaking to us what to do and where to go. He instructs us and teaches us every day, every moment and leads us in the right way…a great wonder and a miracle that I am so grateful for.
He makes a pathway in the sea (Exodus 14:21-29). We all know that beautiful song “God will make a way where there seems to be no way.” Just imagine the children of Israel standing before the Red Sea. They just escaped from Pharaoh and here they are with a huge sea to cross. The Egyptian army is following them and if they are found, there would be no meaning of having escaped in the first place. But God literally makes the sea to divide and makes a road in the sea…something totally unheard of. Even in our lives, when situations seem totally hopeless and there is no way at all, the Lord opens a door, the Lord makes a way. You can safely trust Him. He will not let you become prey to your enemies. He will never put you to shame. He is faithful.
God provides manna from heaven. Food in the wilderness, every single day for 40 years, three times a day…God faithfully provides. Did He miss a single day? Did He forget to send any particular meal? No every day at the same time the Lord would rain manna from heaven. Just think of the children of Israel collecting every day manna from heaven and eating that joyfully. He provided water from a rock, in another instance, he made bitter waters sweet. He supplied their daily needs just as He does for us. the young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. How grateful we should be because this wonder-working God provides our daily needs…even in the most difficult situations, the Lord has blessed us with food and shelter for which we need to be grateful.
“The Jews he freed from Pharaoh’s hand, And brought them to the promised land,
Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song.
He saw the Gentiles dead in sin, And felt his pity work within,
His mercies ever shall endure, When death and sin shall reign no more.
He sent his Son with power to save, From guilt, and darkness, and the grave
Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song.
Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat
His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more.
Ever grateful for we have a God who is all-powerful and doeth great wonders.