Published On: Wed, Nov 17th, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 17 – November 2021 – Give thanks Unto the Lord


Psalm 136:24 “And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endureth forever.”

In ancient days, kings ruled over several small kingdoms. One king who was ruling over a large area wanted to occupy the small kingdom which was a little far away from his. He soon prepared his army and waged a war. Being very little in stature, wealth, and strength, the small kingdom could not defend itself, but surrendered to this greedy king. The King of the small kingdom had a very good friend who is a mighty king who lived in a faraway land, when he got to know about his friend being captured, he went to the greedy king and asked him what he would want to set his friend free. The greedy king announced a heavy price to which the generous king agreed, paid and set his friend free.

The title might surprise many and compel us to wonder who are our enemies? As we read in the story of the kings, the greedy king symbolizes the world. We do have enemies. As the children of God we are always in the war field. That is the reason we are advised to put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6:11. However, this is the later step, after salvation. Before we had the access to be called the children of God, who were we? We were bond salves unto Satan and his powers. They are our enemies till today, but we are no longer slaves to him or his powers. This is because the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed us from this bondage, from the clutches of Satan. You know what was the price that He paid for our redemption? It was not with gold, silver or money that we could ever repay Him. He redeemed us with His precious blood, which He shed with all love to fulfil the only purpose, that is, to redeem us. Life is in blood. When we say that we are redeemed by His blood, we mean that He gave His life for us. Who would be doing it for you after knowing who you are? Just give it a thought,, if our own parents could see what all we did in our lives, including our secret thoughts, do you think they would be willing to give their lives for your sake? I doubt it. Even after knowing every single sinful thought that has occurred to us and that we have entertained, He still chose to redeem us. He doesn’t see us as a sinner alone, but he saw us as a helpless sinner. So, He came to help us and He did it on the cross of Calvary.

Do you want to thank Him now for this redemption through Him?


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.