Published On: Fri, Dec 3rd, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 04, December 2021 – Christ Centered Christmas – Titles Of Jesus Christ

Bread Of Life

And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.-John 6:35

Food is the basic necessity of every human being. In John 6, Jesus fed a large crowd—far more than 5,000 people—with just five loaves of barley bread and two fish (John 6:1-15). This miracle astounded the people who declared that Jesus was a great prophet—the one they had been expecting. But when Jesus saw that the people wanted to force him to be their king, he quietly slipped away to be alone in the hills.

The next day the crowds went in search of Jesus, not because they had understood his miracle, but because he had filled their appetites. The people were caught up in the day to day treadmill of getting their needs met and providing food for their hungry bellies. But Jesus was concerned with saving their souls. He told them, “Don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you” (John 6:27, NLT).

The crowds still saw Jesus merely as someone who could meet their physical needs. So, Jesus responded with this powerful and profound truth: “I am the bread of life that came down from heaven” (John 6:41). Christ explained that anyone who came to him in saving faith would never be hungry or thirsty again. God would not reject them, for it was his will that all should come to faith in him (verses 37-40).

The listeners knew that Jesus, by claiming to come from heaven, was declaring that he was God. He was the real Bread of Heaven—the ever-present daily Manna—the life giving, eternal source of provision for today, tomorrow, and all eternity.

Jesus showed us the importance of depending on God’s Word when Satan tempted him in the wilderness. After the Lord had fasted for 40 days and nights, the devil came and enticed him to rely on his own resources and turn stones into loaves of bread to eat. But Jesus resisted the devil’s seduction with a powerful declaration of God’s truth: “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4, NLT).

“Do not labor for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you” (John 6:27).

John reminds Christ followers where our strength and sustenance comes from, both physically and spiritually. In Christ and God-willing, we are able to see and understand notes of Scripture, and life around us, through godly perspective and in tune with divine purpose. “The darkness of the world is so severe that God alone must penetrate it in order to free people to see Jesus clearly.”

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.