Walk Of Life – Day 10, December 2021 – Christ-Centered Christmas – Titles Of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ – the Great I AM
“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58
I have always been struck with wonder by this name. We all say I am so and so…but God stops with saying I AM. This name is so sacred in Jewish tradition that they do not even utter the name. The Lord Jesus, in this statement is making a powerful proclamation that He is God, the God who was before Abraham. This term explains the self-sufficiency and eternal personal nature of God. When Christ says it again, He reiterates that He is God omnipotent, eternal and all the three persons of the trinity are equal and are God.
The Lord Jesus says the term I am seven times in the book of John:
I AM the bread of Life (John 6:35) – Our souls are hungry…longing for joy, peace, and satisfaction that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give. He is the living Bread who came down from Heaven, was broken for us, His blood was shed for us so that by this, we may live eternally.
I AM the Light of the World (John 8:12) – Dead in sins and trespasses, groping in spiritual darkness, we saw a great light like Paul the apostle, the light that brought beauty and meaning to life, the light that shone in the hidden corners of our heart exposing our wretched and wicked state. This light should shine so bright that people will see that light shining through our lives.
I AM the Door (John 10:7, 9) He is the door, the only way to enter His sheepfold, the only way to go to the Heavenly Father. In sheep terminology, the shepherd will very carefully guard the door to the sheepfold to ensure that predators do not enter it. Christ Himself is both the door and the shepherd carefully tending His sheep.
I AM the Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14) – The Good Shepherd will go to any extent to protect and preserve his sheep. Sheep are very precious to the shepherd and he would even sacrifice his own life. Christ died on the cruel cross so that we who had gone astray from His fold may once again come and enjoy the green pastures and still waters. He heals, restores, cares, loves, nurtures, feeds, and finally will one day take us to that beautiful heavenly pastures where we will enjoy in His presence forever. The only Good Shepherd who also became the slain lamb, the nature of a humble, sacrificial lamb.
I AM the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) – I always wonder what would have been going on in Martha’s mind when Christ told her this statement. She had just lost her beloved brother, she and Mary sent word to Jesus long back and were inwardly upset that He never turned up. At that point, there was no hope whatsoever and she really would have been wondering why the Lord didn’t come when she needed Him the most. Actually having faced death that close, she actually would not have even understood what Christ is talking about. The mind is generally blank in such situations but probably after she saw her brother alive again, the truth may have sunk in. The greatest joy of being a Christian is this blessed hope of seeing our loved ones again because the Lord Jesus vanquished death and hell on the cross, because He is alive and I serve a risen Savior.
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) – In the old testament, man could not directly approach God. He had to offer sacrifices, he had to go the Tabernacle, he could never dream of entering the Holy of Holies unless he is priest, and he had to follow rules and laws to be reconciled to God. Now a fresh ray of hope, the Lord Jesus is saying, I am the only way you can reach the Father, I am the complete and total truth, and in me alone is life everlasting.
I AM the true vine (John 15:1, 5) – The vine is a very common metaphor for God’s relationship with his people. Here Christ is emphasizing on the beautiful relationship He wants to enjoy with His people. Abiding in the Lord Jesus is the only way to lead a fruitful life that would bring glory to God.
Dear Lord, so grateful that you are the Great I AM. You satisfy me, brighten my life, protect me, guide me, give me the hope of eternal life, and long to have a lasting beautiful relationship with me. I am your child, your friend, your sheep, and your prized possession. Who am I Lord that the Great I AM should be so mindful of me?