Published On: Wed, Dec 15th, 2021

Walk of Life – Day 15, December 2021 – Christ – Centered Christmas – The Titles of Christ


John 8:36 “If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

There is a certain town where there was a market place in which young men were sold as slaves for money. People who did this business would go to tribal areas and either kidnap or take children from the tribal families by giving them some money. They would present these tribal young men in the market for the town people to select for their work. As soon as a man was purchased, he would be sealed by the owner, so that the man who was purchased cannot run away. Days went on, one day a rich man came to the market and found a young lad displayed to be purchased. The rich man had compassion on this young lad as soon as he saw his face. The rich man purchased the young lad and took him home. The young lad went to the rich man to be sealed, but the rich man refused to do so. He asked the young man to go back to his home, he is no longer a slave, and he is free.

What a joy that young lad must have felt as soon as he heard the words ‘You’re free!’! How is this story related to us in our spiritual walk?

The word of God in John 8:34 says that whosoever commits sin is a slave to sin. We are all sinners, which means that we are all slaves to sin. Just like the rich man who had compassion on that young lad, God has compassion on all helpless sinners. God knew it that by any means man can never make himself clean once and for all. It is only through His divine plan, that is, through the Lord Jesus Christ every human being can be made clean. So, He purchased us, not with gold and silver, but with His precious blood. God did this not to make us His slaves, but to be His sons and daughters. Once we are free do we still go back to slavery? What does it mean when the young lad after being set free goes back to the market and surrenders himself? He is really a fool if he does such a thing. The young lad would happily go home. However, this time he will be more careful that he does not get caught by the traders again. He lives in protection. Same way, we are set free to be the sons of God. We should not go back to sin. Just like how the traders are still active in searching for young men to be sold as slaves, the baits of Satan are still active in the form of lust of eye, lust of flesh and pride of life. We should now be careful in not surrendering ourselves to that bondage or slavery again.

This is an extremely encouraging verse that fills the child of God with positive pride: Galatians 4:7 “Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”

Let us accept and live in the freedom that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us and bring glory to His name.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.