Walk of Life – Day 21 – December 2021 – Christ-Centered Christmas, The Titles of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ – Risen Lord
I Cor 15:3, 4 – For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is probably the key event in the history of mankind. The Lord Jesus was born in this world, He died the most cruel death as a sacrifice for our sins, but what makes Him stand apart is the fact that He conquered Satan, death, and hell and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is risen…He is alive, alive forever more.
This truth sinks in best when you lose a loved one in the Lord. You have been enjoying the presence of the person, you have a lasting relationship, and then one day the person you loved so much is gone. The chair is empty, the dresses lie untouched, their hobbies, their passions no longer seems interesting to you, how you long to hear them speak or say an encouraging word; the void and emptiness is too much to digest.
But then you hear a soft loving voice, my child, your loved one is not here, He/she is risen, they are with Me in eternity, enjoying the rest safe in the arms of Jesus. Weep not my child for because I rose again from the dead, you will also live forever more in my presence. Just run this race faithfully till the very end. That calm assurance that death is not the end of life but a change of address as Reverend Billy Graham stated ““One day you’ll hear that Billy Graham has died. Don’t you believe it. On that day I’ll be more alive than ever before! I’ve just changed addresses.” The Lord has taken His child to a pleasant place, to greener pastures, to a place where there is no more sickness or discouragement or anger or hate or envy and they are rejoicing in His presence. Christ is alive hence I shall be alive forever more. Cheer up my friend…He is the Risen Lord. He is there for you in all your challenges, your sorrows, your fears, your doubts.
Will always love this song…
“Because you live Lord I can face tomorrow,
Because you live all fear is gone,
Because I know you hold my future,
And life is worth the living only because you live”