Published On: Sat, Jan 8th, 2022

Walk of Life – January 2022 – Day 9 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs, Enter

Enter, Instructing the Wise and Teaching the Just

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9.9

King Solomon is specifically telling us whom to give instruction to and whom to teach. We meet a whole lot of people each day, at school, at work, at college, at church, at home, and in our neighborhood. We do not advise or teach or instruct everyone except the ones close to us and whom we come in very close contact with. Over the years, we have seen many people giving advice and also being advised, including ourselves. When we look back and see, there are several instances where you would think to yourself, only if I had listened, only if I had taken that advice, only if I knew what was coming.

We need to take this verse in two dimensions: One, am I wise and am I just? Is it worth correcting or instructing me? Do I accept advice and change accordingly or am I stiffnecked like the children of Israel and do as I please? The minute a person thinks he knows everything and can handle everything and no one needs to correct or instruct him, at that point all is lost. It is very difficult to accept one’s mistakes, but that is definitely the mark of a humble and a wise and just person. We need to be like clay in the hand of the potter, willing to be molded and changed and worked on; not thinking that we know everything. Always remember this in life, when someone says something or advises you, never be defensive. Do not try to justify your mistakes, instead think over and change if there is a need to. If you are close to the Lord, you will be able to discern the right advice and follow accordingly.

The other dimension, when we advise someone and realize it is falling to deaf ears…leave it. It is not worth throwing pearls before the swine! Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We keep trying to tell something to people and advising them again and again and finally realize that we were just wasting our energy. So when you share your experiences or something valuable, ensure the other person is listening and will follow. It is not easy to discern, but once you feel all you spoke just bounced back, leave it at the Lord’s feet in prayer and He will work if it is His will.

Dear Lord, teach me to be wise in accepting and giving instruction. Help me to accept your corrections from Your Word and walk according to it. Help me not to be carried away by false instruction and the wisdom of man. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.




About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name