Published On: Tue, Jan 11th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 11, January 2022 – Thoughts From The Book of Proverbs – Enter

“The integrity of the upright shall guide them; but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.” Proverbs 11:3.

Enter, with integrity

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been guiding us at our every single step in our spiritual walk and blessed us with another year wherein we could grow in Him spiritually. The life of every born again Christian is likened to the life of a human being on this earth. As soon as a child is born he does not start running, lifting weights, or giving speech. For all these things to happen, the child has to go through a process of learning first. Month by month, they learn gradually and start to master it as they grow up. In the same manner, we tend to learn many lessons which are very simple at every step of our spiritual walk. If you say that you have nothing to learn, that means you have stopped taking your steps in your spiritual walk. We are not perfect yet, we ought to go on the way set by the Lord Jesus for us to become perfect in Him and through Him.

We are entering this New Year with many new lessons that could help us in our spiritual walk. One such lesson is to have integrity as we enter this New Year. From the verse that we read from Proverbs 11:3, we understand that the upright must have their integrity for their guidance. We need to be honest in the Lord. In every little thing, honesty will be counted. Sometimes we might have been dishonest . Recently I have heard a beautiful thing that truth and honesty are two different entities. According to the dictionary, truth refers to the absolute reality of facts whereas honesty is a quality of being sincere and being able to represent ideas in an accurate, convincing manner.

As a child of God, we ought to understand this to prevent ourselves from being troublemakers. Few truths that we know about a person may not be edifying for others to grow in Christ, instead they might affect them in an adverse manner. So, it is honesty that helps you to conceal an unnecessary detail, thereby you can stop trouble and spread peace. When we practice integrity, surely we will be guided in the right path. However, if we choose to be a transgressor, by being unfaithful in concealing a matter of our dear brother or sister, then we are heading towards our fall.

Integrity is doing what you say, walking the talk, or living what you profess or believe. When we listen to sermons and we know the person well, if their talk is not in line with their life, we automatically switch off. Christ practiced what He preached. He was humble, forgiving, compassionate, and loving and He lived out the sermon on the Mount for us to follow. The true Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep…Christ preached and practiced. He laid down His life for us on the cross. Do we walk the talk? This new year, may we walk according to the Word of God and live worthy of the calling for which we have been called.

Let us pray to the Lord Jesus to fill us with His love and wisdom that enable us to carry our integrity with us at all times and establish His peace on earth. Amen


About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.