Published On: Thu, Jan 20th, 2022

Walk of Life – Day 20, January 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Enter!

Enter, With New Resolutions

Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler, And whoever is led astray by it is not wise.-Proverbs 20:1

There are many actions that we have got habituated to and they are called as habits. Habits are split into good habits and bad habits. They are categorized as such based on the harms that that particular habit brings to that person and to the others. For example in today’s passage King Solomon brings out the hazard of consuming wine. There are many who enter into a debate based on the topic “is Drinking alcoholic beverages right or wrong?” Some conclude that having it once in a while is not wrong. Having it on special Occasions just to Team up with another is absolutely fine. It’s a corporate world and we have to be flexible in order to maintain our professionalism. All these statements are against God’s standards. Bible very clearly says that Daniel and his friends purposed in their hearts that they will not defile with the food and wine of the king and so we must not. What sort of explanations or justifications we would give for this habit they cannot be considered.

it’s not only drinking wine, but also many such habits as these. I stand shocked with the availability of resources for this present generation. The devil is very smarter in directing the younger generation. I have found many boys and girls very decently dressed and also having a respectful attitude sitting inside the classroom in a different world of trance. All they need to achieve that is a small candy like a thing which has to be kept under the tongue. Students pursuing greater degrees also is not an exemption.

My goodness, the statistics that corresponds to those who are addicted to pornography is exceedingly abundant. We serve the living God who is not only in the light but also in the dark and so He watches our actions that we do at a time when no one is watching us.

Alright apart from these addictions there is another addiction that everyone of us has been strangled unto and it’s the addiction of mobile. Knowingly or unknowingly we start watching many videos and finally realize that we have wasted a lot of time.

Wasting of time, Procrastination, Gossiping, spending lot of money, buying things which are not required, feeding on outside food even if it’s not necessary, sleeping for a long time etc and etc are some of the bad habits.

Alright at least all the above mentioned addictions we can remain guiltless by the grace of God. But I have seen many who have the habit of sitting at the same place for a long time. Even I am guilty of that habit. I really pray that I should be delivered from such an untoward habit.

Dear Brothers and sisters, we are the temple of the Living God and as we Read in Romans 12: 1 we have to present our bodies a living sacrifice. Let all our bygones be bygones. If you are convicted at this moment as you are reading this immediately ask for repentance and plead for His grace to give you victory over all the deadly habits.

Let us enter into this new year with resolutions that we will not defile us with the habits that demolish our sanctity.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.