Walk Of Life – Day 02, February 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Love!
Love To Dwell In The Land
For the upright will dwell in the land, And the blameless will remain in it. – Proverbs 2:21
There is a very alluring song sung by the great singer Jim Reeves and take some time to sing this song as you go through the lines.
Just over in Glory land We’ll live eternally
The saints on every hand Are shouting victory.
Their songs of sweetest praise Drift back from heaven’s shore
And I can’t feel at home In this world anymore.
Oh Lord, you know I have no friend like you
If heaven’s not my home Then Lord what will I do.
The angels beckon me From heaven’s open door
And I can’t feel at home In this world anymore…
I hope many of those who are reading this have the same feeling that we don’t feel at home in this world anymore and we just push through each day. Everywhere we have started hearing about the city on the other shore. Its realities attracts us. The songs about the glory land, about that glorious day, the mansions and above all the wedding of the Lamb enchants us. It’s so assuring and encouraging to sing
“Across the bridge there’s no more sorrow
Across the bridge, there’s no more pain,
The sun will shine across the river,
And you’ll never be unhappy again.”
Are we getting ready to inherit that land? Are we really loving it? I am so encouraged to hear many song writers who have written songs expressing their earnest desire to dwell in that glorious land. Sister Sarah Navroji, a blessed handmaiden of Our Lord has composed many songs in Tamil and it’s very easy to identify her song with this one simple tip. All her songs will speak about heaven and it’s glory in the last stanza. No matter what the content of the entire song is the last stanza is about eternity. They lived with that expectation all the days of their life.
Today’s passage says that the upright will dwell in that land and the blameless will remain in it. If we love that land we will be upright and we will be blameless. Are we living an upright life all the time? It’s very easy to get deviated unless and until we are being charged by the word of God.
Let me share with you all what God spoke to me one day. It was a day of university exam and I was on invigilation duty. As an invigilator signing the attendance sheet and other paper works will get over within half an hour. For the rest of the time I was watching the students very carefully and I was praising God, talking to Him and for sure I was waling along with Him. Close to the end of the session my legs started aching and so I just sat. Exactly at that time my director came inside for rounds. Finding me sitting though he did not tell me anything I felt guilty. I asked the Lord “Father, for so long I was talking to you. You could have cautioned me about the arrival of the director. But why you did not do that to me?” The Immediate answer that I got is
“I too will come just like that in an unexpected time. safe guard your salvation every moment.”
How can we be ready for that glorious land it’s by loving the land. Love to dwell in it forever.
Prayer: Loving Father, thank you for the glorious hope of the land where I am going to live with you forever. Help me Lord to love that glorious land more than anything so that i will be ever ready and make others ready too. Amen