Walk Of Life – Day 07, February 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Love!
Proverbs 7:2. Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Love the Law of the Lord as the apple of thine eye.
How careful we are to ensure no dirt or dust enter our eyes and how we protect it from the heat and always ensure our eyes are safe. The Bible says to love the law of the Lord as the apple of our eye. That means we should value God’s Word more than anything else in this world.
The Word of God is very precious and needs to be given due preeminence in our lives. Just like we run to our mobile phones to check our Whatsapp, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, we need to give more importance to what the Lord is speaking to us each day. It is time we again examine our lives if we are spending sufficient time on our knees with the Lord.
I always wonder if the next generation will even continue this habit of reading their Bibles and praying every day like our parents taught us to. If we learn to clearly hear the voice of God, there will be no question of not reading God’s Word.
Sometimes, it becomes very important to go back to the basics. I see a lot of youngsters reading the Bible very casually and not giving due reverence. If the Lord Jesus were sitting beside you, would you speak to Him lying down or casually relaxing on a couch? Mary sat at the feet of the Lord Jesus and He said that she has chosen the good part and it shall not be taken from her. If you casually read from your mobile phone or if you do not have the habit of kneeling down unless you are physically not able to, please begin from today. If you seek Him diligently, you will surely find Him. Next begin your Bible reading with prayer and ask the Lord to speak to you. You can tell him all your heartaches and ask Him to tell you what to do and request His guidance. Always begin your quiet time with a psalm. God dwells in the praises of His people. So read a psalm and worship the Lord for a few minutes. Then read your daily portion. Just like we speak to our friends several times in a day, read the Word of God whenever you can and have clear portions to be read. Each day, a psalm, a chapter from Proverbs, a chapter from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament will keep your soul healthy and refreshed. Just like you need physical food to take you through each day, you need spiritual food for your daily warfare. I cannot eat for a week and then starve, the same principle applies. You need to eat bite-sized portions of the Word of God every single day and once you make it a habit, you will begin to long to read the Word of God.
Reading alone is not sufficient, we need to search the Scriptures or meditate on the Word of God. Have weekly or monthly goals and try to complete a book for study. Use Bible study methods, guides, concordances, and store God’s Word in your heart. How equipped we are when we need to present any topic in our workplace or colleges but are totally clueless when it comes to quoting references from God’s Word. The Lord desires that we love His word wholeheartedly and keep it very close to our hearts so we can live spotless and blameless lives before Him.