Published On: Mon, Feb 7th, 2022

Walk of Life – Day 8 – February 2022 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Love!

I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: Proverbs 8:20

Love the Way of Righteousness

Today, there are many quick-rich schemes. You can earn online through gambling, through just clicking a few buttons, through so many ways and means, which sometimes we may wonder is it right? Whenever we do something, we ask the question to ourselves, is it right? Who decides if something is right or wrong? The Word of God. But we live in a totally different time and age and many things may not seem relevant today.

The Lord has given us a conscience and His Spirit to guide us into all truth. The Lord Jesus led a righteous life. Many old and new testament characters led righteous and blameless lives before the Lord. As the Bible says, our righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God. Only when we are imputed with the Lord’s righteousness, can we lead just and pure lives in the sight of God. How do we make sure our lives are right before God?

  1. Examine each decision in the light of God’s Word. There are many things these days that seem right and may be wrong. So to ensure I am not going in the wrong path, for every important decision, I spend time in prayer. If I am in the wrong path or if this is not pleasing to you, Lord please stop me. When we completely submit to the will of God, His guidance is truly very precious. There will be a lot of times when you actually venture into something, but some last minute change would make you choose a completely different path.
  2. Daniel resolved in his heart that he will not defile himself. The next most important thing is to be determined that you will do the right thing no matter what. It is easy to cheat in an exam when everything is virtual, it is easy to be actually reading when you are supposed to say something from memory (online), it is very easy to say a lie and get away with it…but if you choose to compromise, then no one can help you. Take a strong resolve to do the right thing.
  3. Knowing to do right and not doing it is also sin. There are several instances where you may feel, should I speak up? Should I question? Let me just mind my own business. However, in cases of wrong judgement or when someone is being treated unjustly, ignoring and acting indifferent is also sin. We need to stand up and speak up when we think something is not right.
  4. Righteousness includes having all the fruit of the spirit as in Galatians 5. It is important that every single day, you measure the fruit you are bearing and ensure that anger and hatred and envy is nowhere in your life.
  5. Righteousness means obeying the commandments of the Lord Jesus and sharing the Good News with others. We do not just walk in the way of righteousness alone but be those who lead many to righteousness so we will shine like the stars forever.

Let us strive to obey the Lord in all we do and love the ways of righteousness.




About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name