Walk of Life – Day 10 – February 2022 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Love!
Love to Lay Up Knowledge
Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. Proverbs 10:14
We have heard this from our childhood, slow to speak and swift to hear. Here we see a beautiful comparison between two kinds of people – the wise and the foolish. The wise lays up knowledge, he does not lay up treasure, he does not gather money, he does not earn by undue means, he is keen on laying up knowledge.
What does it mean to lay up knowledge, it means to study thoroughly before you actually say something. We see a number of people who are very careful about what they speak. The wise person will not speak if he knows nothing about the topic, he will choose to do his homework well and only then speak. This person will not say anything in haste or in anger. It is said that if angry just first calm yourself down, do not say or do anything for which you will feel sorry later. Words once spoken cannot be taken back. He will speak to the point and not beat around the bush. When you study the way Christ spoke, it was straight and to the point. He could look the Pharisee in the eye and say, thou whitewashed wall and at the same time, hold little children in his arms and lovingly bless them. Christ spoke words of wisdom and how did that happen. He laid up knowledge, He studied God’s Word and He spent hours with His heavenly Father. He obtained wisdom from the fountainhead of all wisdom, He being wisdom itself.
Note the stark comparison: Fools love to talk and they get into trouble. They get into quarrels before knowing the facts, they gossip about others, they speak without knowing the topic well and are embarrassed. As it is said, empty vessels make the most noise, for each idle word that man speaks, he has to give account so weigh your words.
Wise men weigh their words before they speak, fools speak first. Wise men study, fools just talk. Wise men are keen to say only the truth, fools just want to be heard. Wise men grow in favor with God and men; fools are despised and rejected by both.
Be wise when it comes to speaking, because it will bring you great success. Speak less and listen more, learn your topic well and only then speak, understand a situation before you give an answer, speak relevant words not as you feel. As in Colossians 4.6 speak with grace, seasoned with salt.
We are all going to stand before the judgement seat of Christ. Before you say something or post something, think. Will this edify someone? Will someone be blessed? Always speak positive words, motivational words, encouraging words.
“Before you assume, learn the facts, Before you judge, understand why, Before you hurt someone, feel, Before you speak, think.”