Walk Of Life – Day 24 – February 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Love!
Proverbs 24:16 “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”
In this spiritual walk of our lives there are many times that we have faltered. Our steps did go to the wrong direction, sometimes we tried the slippery paths and have fallen down. However, this day we still stand. That is not because of our own strength, but it is the Lord Jesus who hears to our cry and makes us stand on the rock, stable.
In the verse from Proverbs 24:16 we read about the desire of the just man. Even though the just man falls seven times, he rises again, whereas a wicked man falls into mischief. The major difference that lies between the just and the wicked is their desire. While the just man desires to rise up, the wicked remains fallen. We often find ourselves slowed down in our spiritual walk. Sadly, many of us realize it only when it is very late. I heard a believer share her experience in checking her spiritual walk. She said that we ought to check this with ourselves regularly if we are having the desire to pray, worship, read the word of God same as the day we were born again. If we come to know that the desire has been less, immediately work on it. Analyze what has been taking the place of God in your lives. When we try to fix the problem at the very beginning stage, we live a life of that just person who rises, but does not remain fallen.
When you do not consider to examine yourself as soon as you have fallen, you will slowly get used to the fallen stage. For few moments or days when you are in that fallen area you keep enjoying, you would never have the feeling to return back. However, as days pass by, this sweet sin starts turning bitter in your lives. You start missing your fellowship with God. This is the time Satan works harder in your lives. He starts filling you with guilt and wrong perceptions that you can never be forgiven. Many giving ear to such deceitful words of the wicked one have themselves been leading their lives as this wicked person in Proverbs 24:16.
Remember the prodigal son, who went astray from his father, ruined everything that he had. He was filled with guilt, remorse and shame. However, the right step that he took was to go back to his father. Being the child to his father, the prodigal son knew his father. He must have known how generous his father is, he was sure that he would be accepted. So, he went back.
Do you not know your heavenly Father? How generous He is! How forgiving He is! He did not rejoice when you went astray leaving Him. He will not reject when you come back to Him seeking for forgiveness. A short prayer of confession and seeking for forgiveness, He would surely hearken and would stretch out His arm to lift you up and make you stand firm. Know your loving God and stand up from where you have fallen in your spiritual walk.