Published On: Sat, Mar 12th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 12, March 2022 – March With The Words Of Jesus Christ

Mathew 5:5 – Blessed are the Meek for They shall inherit the earth

March to Be Meek

One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Moses and the Lord himself says he was the meekest man in all the earth. I have always wondered at this amazing quality. The word meekness comes from the word ‘praus’ which means trained warhorses. These horses are strong and mighty and are very powerful to destroy the enemy. But these horses are not free. They are trained and under control. They will go and empower the enemy if told to do so; however, at the same time, if their master tells them to be silent and quiet, there will not be a sound. They have immense strength but it will be used only at the master’s beckoning. What a beautiful quality!

Jesus said “Learn of me for I am meek and lowly at heart” Many of us mistake meekness for weakness or for being suppressed and quiet and not being able to respond. We all have the chance to respond, but always respond in a Christlike manner, never retaliate. Meekness is strength under control. Walk in the shoes of Moses for a day.

Here was this man trained in all the ways of the Egyptians, who was skillful in war and all manner of knowledge but had to flee from Egypt and live in the wilderness for 40 years. He was entrusted with the huge task of leading the children of Israel…millions of people for not one or two days but for 40 years. He would have been a strong man as he killed an Egyptian and would be well versed for war and combat. Yet this great man was completely and totally under the lordship and headship of God Jehovah. It is amazing how the book of Exodus records time and again how Moses did all that the Lord commanded him. He could have suggested better methods, he could have told God I know much better…he just wholly submitted. The building of the Tabernacle is a classic example of how this man exactly carried out God’s commands. Not one measurement was off, not one cubit or one meter went out of dimensions…he was subject to the Lord wholly and completely.

When Miriam and Aaron rose up against Moses, the Lord’s anger was kindled against them. Humanly speaking, they may have had a valid point. But God said how could you dare to speak against my servant Moses? God himself supports His servant. He vindicates him…He punishes Miriam and Moses pleads for her. Moses would have woken each morning to hear the voice of God to receive His commandments and to do accordingly. It was such a beautiful relationship.

When the Lord expects us to be meek, He expects complete and total surrender. He expects our lives to be under His lordship and headship. He will command, we will obey…word for word, letter for letter…not like Saul but like Moses.

The Lord Jesus was another perfect example. He could be loving, kind, caring and compassionate and at the same time, be firm, bold and call the Pharisees and Sadducees as white-washed walls. He could feel pain, cry with Mary, yet drive away workers of iniquity in the temple. His disciples were not highly learned or knowledgeable men, they were obedient to their master. Meekness is a beautiful quality. You be calm and composed in the face of trouble and at the same time be bold, for the righteous are strong as a lion. If there is anything that is against the Lord and His Word, silence is not the answer; we need to stand bold for Him. It is doing what God wants us to do…not our will but His will be done.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name