Published On: Thu, Sep 26th, 2013

Youth Camp in Chennai Jehovah-Jireh House of Worship

A loving invitation has been extended for a 6-day Youth Camp at the Jehovah-Jireh House of Worship, St Thomas Mount, Chennai. The Youth Camp, will be held, God-willing from Friday the 11th of OCtober to Wednesday the 16th of October.

Jehovah Jireh Thomas Mount



The Word of God, based on the theme from Job 17:9 — He who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger, will be delivered by God’s messengers namely Bro. K Philip, Bro. Neville and Bro Hanock Sen (Ahmedabad).

The daily programme will be as follows:
1. Morning Family Prayer (7.30)
2. Bible Study (10 am)
3. Group Discussion (12.30 noon)
4. Testimonies and Practical Talk (3 pm)
5. Evening meeting (6.30)
6. Night Family Prayer

Elders of Jehovah-Shammah and Believers of Jehovah-Jireh have requested all those who are planning to attend this youth camp to come prepared with your bedding, Bibles, notebook and pen.
According to the organisers of the Youth Camp, sisters with small children cannot be accommodated.

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