Published On: Sun, Mar 13th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 13, March 2022 – March With The Words Of Jesus Christ


Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

The route to obtain mercy is only through being merciful. Mercy in simple words can be explained as making a person free from the punishment he/she deserves. What is the need for us to obtain mercy? How can we be merciful?

Many are ignorant of the punishment that they are going to receive one day for the sins they have committed throughout their lives. That could be a reason for many to still continue in sin. /romans 6:23 clearly states, “The wages of sin is death.” Death speaks about separation, eternal separation from God. All are sinners (Romans 3:23), and all are deemed to taste this death. Who would be willing to show us mercy in exempting us from this death? Only the Lord Jesus Christ, merciful God, delivers us from the wages of sin and gifts them that believe in Him the eternal life. Have you obtained this mercy?

To obtain this mercy, you need not do anything except for believing in the Lord Jesus. Sometimes, even after knowing that the wages of the sin is death, many still continue to live in sin, ignorant of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Once an orphan hit a boy while playing, accidentally. The boy who got hit, was very badly injured and lost his life. This orphan was kept in jail and the court decided to hang him for killing a person. There was no one to plead for this boy, so the decision was made quickly. The judge was moved with compassion on learning about this boy being an orphan, and decided to talk with the boy in person and give him exemption from the punishment that was assigned for him. The judge went into the prison, but the boy denied to see the judge. The judge waited for long, but the boy did not change his mind. The judge at last left the place. The boy was hanged the very next day as appointed.

The boy did not reject meeting the judge, he rejected mercy, freedom. Is this what you have been doing all these days, my friend? Do not be ignorant, obtain the mercy from the Lord Jesus, while there is time.

The verse in Matthew 5:7 is clearly not speaking of the mercy that we discussed till now, as the mercy that brings salvation has nothing to do with our efforts, whereas this mercy wants us to be merciful. There are many circumstances that we come across in our spiritual walk which require us to seek Lord’s mercy. At least there are three instances where God has emphasized the need for us to be merciful in order to obtain mercy, including the Lord’s Prayer (Forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.). It is very easy for us to seek forgiveness in prayer and sometimes we even forgive ourselves before God does. However, when our brother, friend, elder, sister, husband, wife do something wrong, we cannot stand it. We keep accusing them, we will never forgive them, even if Lord forgives them. Sometimes I feel glad assuming God’s thoughts. With the grudges, envy, pride that a human holds, if given a chance to judge people, we would surely be making a lengthy list of people who are bound to go to hell. Instead of being soul winners for Christ, we would be pushing many to hell. Praise be to God, who made us soul winners only! Ultimately, with this unmerciful attitude we cannot obtain mercy for us from the Lord.

It is true that we sometimes get disturbed by the wrong deeds of others, but still we need to be merciful by forgiving them. How is it possible? Recently, I was very much disturbed by my newly born again husband’s approach towards God. I was thinking many things in my mind of how wrong he is. Suddenly, my sight fell on the verse pasted on the wall opposite to the place where I was sitting and thinking deeply of how wrong he is. That verse is from John 13:34, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Then I began to think of all the mistakes that I have been committing all these years even after being saved and how I have been seeking Lord’s mercy every day. Out of His love, God has been forgiving me, but why am I taking His place in judging a person? Even if I come across such fault in other person, why am I not forgiving them just as God forgives me every day? When you realize how you are, you will find no difficulty in showing mercy to others. Pray that the Lord fills you with love that covers all iniquities.

Dear friend, if you desire to find mercy in the Lord Jesus, first show mercy towards others. Whom you have not forgiven yet, forgive them with love. Begin your march to obtain mercy by being merciful towards others.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.