Published On: Tue, Mar 15th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 15, March 2022 – March With The Words Of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.”

Children are considered as the reflection of their parents, mirroring their behavior which they have acquired through their parents either through the genes or by observation. Many young girls might have wrapped a dupatta around their waist as a saree, worked like their mother, in the same way boys might have dressed up like their father, in childhood. Not just gestures, but children acquire some of the characteristics too from their parents. For instance, children who always keep quarrelling and using bad words mostly tend to live with parents who quarrel all the time.

We have been daily preparing ourselves to march on various goals, today we resolve to march to be called as the ‘children of God.’ Just as we have read about the children and parents on this earth, when we are desiring to be called as the children of God, we ought to be mirroring the Lord Jesus Christ through our deeds. One such quality that the Lord Jesus Christ has is that of being a peacemaker.

The Lord Jesus Christ established peace between you and the Father, by taking your sins upon Him, dying on the cross of Calvary and gaining victory over death. If this propitiation for our sins was not done, we would remain as enemies, and could never become the children of God. Not just between the Father and the cleansed sinner, but also He has been establishing His peace amongst the believers of today.

Many wise sisters and brothers in Christ, strong in faith, approach God to provide them strength and guidance to find peace with their fellow brother or sister in Christ. Sometimes, the disturbance becomes so huge, because of the doubts, misunderstandings created by Satan that they cannot even pray in abundance of vain thoughts. At that time, many approach elders of the Church, to get an advice.

Now being a child of God, what is the duty of the elder? He/ She should perform the duty of a peacemaker, just like the Lord Jesus Christ, preaching the way of love. Instead, we find many believers these days who try to entertain themselves from the conflicts between others and also try to get the most glory for themselves through these situations. How sad it is! While God has called us to be peacemakers, we are being troublemakers and still proclaim by ourselves that we are the children of God.

My dear friend, always try to be in peace with God, only then can you find peace around you. Once you taste that peace, you will not like to see others living with disturbances, you will help them taste the peace that you have tasted through the Lord Jesus Christ.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.