Walk Of Life – Day 03, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”- Mark 10:45
Hospitality professionals are trained to serve others. How they have to escort the guests, how they have to offer to carry their baggage, what is the way of serving food in the restaurant and every way the guests will really made to be feel honoured. And there would be variation in the way every guest will be treated. One would be given more importance than the other and the difference will be based on their position, their designation, their bank balance and so on. It doesn’t matter whether that person is loyal, generous or righteous. All that matters is how much influential is he?
The God whom we worship is The creator of the heavens and the earth, and in
Psalm 50 : 10 we read For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.
In Acts 17:25 we read that “Nor is He served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.
In Psalm 104:14 we read that “How many are Your works, O LORD! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.”
And is that not interesting rather weird to hear that He says “I have come into this world not to be served but to serve” and this is the ideology behind the term “PRADHAN SEVAK” a term coined by the first prime minister and is also the description given by our present prime minister about himself. But the usage of this term is ironical and hypocritical.
The absolute meaning of serve is very well understood from the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. While He began His ministry there was not a grand ordination service organised with a blissful banquet but it began with a fasting for 40 days. The way He chose His disciples was so subjective and not authoritative. In every way He served them.
Even those who proclaim as ministers of God how much service they demand. Even to count with our fingers we will not get the number of exemplary servants of God. The word SERVANTS OF GOD or GOD’S SERVANTS is mispronounced and even wrongly written and printed as GOD SERVANT. And is this not a blasphemy?
Dear readers, let us sit at the feet of the Lord and try to learn how much He loves humility. Can we sing this song again and again
Oh kneel me down again
Here at Your feet
Show me how much You love humility
Oh Spirit be the star that leads me to
The humble heart of love I see in You
You are the God of the broken
The friend of the weak
You wash the feet of the weary
Embrace the ones in need
I want to be like You, Jesus
To have this heart in me
You are the God of the humble
You are the humble King
Let us take a decision today that in all the possible ways let us take a step forward to serve our Lord by serving others. He went to the extent of death. There can be any other strategy implemented to save human race but He considered His DEATH to be the best option.
Dear Lord, Make me willing to serve others in every way I can. In the name of Jesus, the humble king I ask this prayer. Amen.