Published On: Wed, Apr 6th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 06, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words of Jesus Christ

I Am the Bread of Life. John 6: 35

Bread was the staple food in Jewish times. In several accounts, we find the Lord Jesus breaking bread or offering a breakfast or lunch with bread in it. Food is essential to life…and without it we cannot live or survive. The Lord Jesus had just done the miracle of feeding the 5000 and obviously people began to flock to him after that. The Lord sensed that and said I am the Bread of Life.

Our physical hunger is satisfied with food but only the Lord Jesus can satisfy our spiritual hunger. There is a void in every soul that can be filled only with the Lord Jesus. No human pleasure or joy or happiness can quench that hunger. Observe carefully the order in which our Lord puts the two blessings he mentions — first, life through believing in him, and then food to sustain that life — first, “he who believes in me has everlasting life”; and next to that, “I am that bread of life.” Life comes first, and food follows afterwards.

It is important to understand that you need to be alive to eat…hence only if you are spiritually quickened in the Lord Jesus through His Spirit can you feed on the Bread of Life. You need to accept the gift of eternal life and then you can daily feed on the Bread of Life.

“So it is with the soul; and the soul must be fed on spiritual food. Souls cannot eat what bodies can eat; but, still, they must eat; all the qualities in a spiritual man, which are gracious, need food. Faith needs truth to believe. Love needs a revelation of love to keep it burning. Hope needs to be reminded of the things to be expected in the future, so that it may continue to hope; and every grace within a spiritual man is clamorous for spiritual food that it may feed on.” – C. H. Spurgeon

You can be satisfied only if you feed every day on the Word of God, spend time every day on your knees in prayer, maintain fellowship with the saints or you will not be able to sustain your soul. As important as life is to have food…you need to eat to live…so the soul needs to be fed every day, regularly, systematically, carefully, and a balanced diet to live a spiritually healthy life.

Your soul can only be satisfied by the Word of God. Read it, meditate on  it, study it, memorize it, Repeat it in your heart again and again and your soul will be enriched. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The written Word is in our hands and we need to read it and follow it wholeheartedly. The more you are rooted and grounded in the Word of God, the more peaceful your heart will be even in the most difficult of circumstances. The soul is satisfied with the Lord then no storm of this world, no tempest, no trial can deter it from holding on to the Lord. A soul satisfied with the Bread of Life will be a full life, a life following His precepts, His laws, and commandments.

“O Christ, in thee my soul hath found,
and found in thee alone,
the peace, the joy I sought so long,
the bliss till now unknown.

Now none but Christ can satisfy,
none other name for me!
There’s love and life and lasting joy,
Christ Jesus, found in thee.”

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name