Walk Of Life – Day 09, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words of Jesus Christ
“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” -John 10:9
The Lord Jesus was speaking to a crowd that was fairly familiar with sheep. The owner or the shepherd will enter only through the door. Anyone sneaking into a sheepfold by any means than the door was not there legitimately. The only legitimate access to the sheep was through the door. Yes the Lord Jesus is the only way to salvation and there is no other way.
The term “go in and out” is a bit strange here because you cannot go in and out of salvation. This throws a different light on this verse. In those days, the sheep were coralled or kept in a corral. This corral did not have a door but just an opening. The shepherd would lie in that opening and become the door. The sheep had to go through him whether they wanted to go and have pasture or they wanted to stay inside. No enemy, no hireling, no animal could enter in without passing through the door or the shepherd. What comfort this thought brings. The Lord Jesus is our door and nothing, absolutely nothing can enter or leave our lives without His divine permission. We can go out and find pasture but only through Him.
Do not try to do your own will and way which is not through Him. Some say if God does not open a door, He will open a window…but He is the door…and trying to find my own way without His permission is completely going outside His will. If He doesn’t clear the way and is still stopping your plans, rest quietly in the sheepfold…the safest place to be in His presence. He will slowly clear the way and then you can go to the pasture He chooses not your own. So if you’re currently facing what seems to be a closed door, enjoy that extra time of being fully protected, fully cared for, fully corralled with Him right there with you.
He needs to be the door to every area of my life…nothing or no one enters or leaves my life without Him permitting it. Every decision goes through Him, every step I take is with His consent, I will not step out of the presence of my Shepherd to do anything that is not through Him. He is not just the Door, He is my Door…the one who permits every situation in my life for my good and allows me to experience whatever is within His control.
Jesus, thank you that as we recognize and allow you to be the door to all areas of our lives, we can know You will keep our going out and coming in (Psalm 121:8) and we can rest in Your promise that we will be blessed when we come in and blessed when we go out (Deuteronomy 28:6).