Walk Of Life – Day 13, April,2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ On The Cross.
“I thirst.” JOHN 19:28
“It is finished!” JOHN 19:30
In the scriptures we see this as the second time where the Lord Jesus expresses His thirst while He was on the earth. In John 4th chapter we see how He converses with the woman of Samaria, who comes to fetch water from the well where He was. He introduces the living waters to her, after asking her to give some water for Him to drink. The woman on that day knew the one who can give her the living waters, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. Immediately after that, she ran into her city and shared what all she saw, heard and experienced with the people. Once again we read in John 19:28 that the Lord Jesus Christ is thirsty. This time it is for us to know the living water. We all have been troubled by the spiritual thirst, henceforth we see many materialistic, sinful sources to quench our thirst. However, these sources do not quench our thirst completely. Until and unless we come across this ‘living water’, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ, we keep searching for sins that can never quench our thirst.
Dear friend, are you trying to quench your thirst by approaching movies, addictions, adultery? Understand that nothing except the Lord Jesus Christ can quench your thirst.
When the Samaritan woman has found the living water, she did not keep that to herself, but proclaimed it to the people. What are we doing today? Are we sharing this joyful experience of receiving the living waters with our family and friends?
The next word says,” It is finished!” The Lord Jesus Christ did not say that He will do a half of the assigned work and the rest half is for us to work. He finished the work, that is, He paid it all on the cross, and there is nothing that we need to do to prepare salvation, for it is already prepared. We need to receive it and also share it with them that do not have it, by telling this good news, that is, the gospel to them that the Lord Jesus Christ paid penalty for all their sins on the Cross and just by believing this they are going to receive the salvation.
One more thing, just as the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that He hath finished the purpose for which He was sent to this earth by saying ‘It is finished’, let us also strive to tell like Paul,” I finished my course.” When God did not leave anything half done, let us also not leave this world with our half done and half pending works.