Walk Of Life – Day 29, April 2022 – Thoughts On The Kingdom Of God
Hidden Treasure
The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. A man found it, and he concealed it. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (Matthew 13:44).
Here Jesus explains the importance of the kingdom of God in a very simple way with worldly example.
The treasure was hidden, meaning it needed to be sought after. It was out of plain sight, so it couldn’t be stumbled upon and wouldn’t be found without looking. It’s the same for God.
God is ever-present in our lives, but unless we’re looking for Him, we’d never realize He was there. He asks us to Seek Him, meaning He expects us to go in search of Him. He hides in plain sight and when we open our eyes and seek Him, we find Him near.
In the parable, once the man found the treasure, he immediately knew the value and was filled with joy. In the same way, when we find God by seeking Him, we recognize the the value of God’s awesomeness immediately. There is no joy that compares to the magnitude of knowing God and being welcomed into his kingdom.
The man sold everything he had to buy the field. In the same way, when we seek God, we realize that there’s no earthly riches that are worth our place in His kingdom. When we find our place with God, we gladly sacrifice anything we have, even life, to secure our place with Him for eternity.
The treasure came free with the field
The man paid everything he had to purchase the field, but the treasure came free.
When we seek Jesus, He asks us to give everything to Him and when we choose Jesus, we choose His will over our own, giving everything over to Him. He gives His grace, love, and forgiveness to us freely, although the cost of following Him may be high.
Apostle Paul, had the boldness to say in Philippians 3:8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ.
This is exactly what is selling everything that we have to purchase the field with that hidden treasure. Is this true in our life? We have indeed found the Jesus Christ is the hidden treasure and We are going to spend our life in eternity with Him. But have we counted everything as loss and rubbish? Are there not still many things to which we cling and hang on?
Dear Brothers and sisters, shall we introspect our priorities? Is there anything that still we are holding on? Our Lord reminds us that His kingdom is very precious which cannot be compared to anything of this world. Cling on to Him. Seek Him with your whole heart and he shall be found.
God’s Kingdom is a hidden treasure. When we seek and follow Him, He reveals Himself to us and the wonder of eternal life exceeds any earthly value and is worth everything we have. Eternal life requires believers to give up our own wishes and desires, but the benefits outweigh anything we can imagine.