Published On: Tue, May 17th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 18, May 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Christ

Jesus Heals A Woman In The Crowd With An Issue Of Blood (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5: 25-34, Luke 8:42-48)

 After Lord Jesus had healed the paralyzed man, he called Matthew, a tax collector to be his disciple. In Matthew’s house, He continued to teach about God’s kingdom while a synagogue leader named Jairus came and  fell at the Lord’s feet. His only daughter was sick to the point of death and he pleaded Lord Jesus to come home and heal her. Immediately Lord Jesus and his disciples went with him.

  • Woman with Suffering
    Now a woman subject to bleeding for twelve years was in the crowd desiring to meet Lord Jesus. She suffered for a long time and had spent all her money on physicians to find a cure. All her attempt had failed her and she felt her only hope was Lord Jesus.
  • Woman with Faith
    Now due to her condition and the law concerning it, she could not meet Lord Jesus openly. The law in Leviticus 15: 25, 27 says that having any flow from body makes that person unclean and whoever touches that person or anything he/she uses will become unclean. So, in faith she thought that even if she holds His cloak unnoticed, there is hope for her healing.
  • Woman with Fear
    The woman had managed to touch Lord Jesus cloak from behind unnoticed. When Lord Jesus felt that the power in him had gone out of him, He asked a loud who had touched him. Not understanding the Lord’s intentions, Peter responded saying it is hard to find out in such a huge crowd who touched the Lord. The woman seeing that she would not go unnoticed came trembling and fell at his feet. At the call of Lord Jesus, the woman who had lived in isolation opened her heart fearfully in public and found favor with God
  • Who became the Daughter of God
    The reason Lord Jesus called out was not that He was angry or annoyed that someone had touched him. But He wanted the woman and the people to be sure of her healing so that she could live a free and normal life. He also wanted Jairus whose house He was going to not lose hope for his daughter. This is the only woman Lord Jesus called as daughter in the Bible. He assured her that she will have a healthy and peaceful life hereafter. The woman must have waited for seven days and went to the temple happily to give offering according to the law mentioned in Leviticus 15:29, 30.

For all those women who have put their faith in Lord Jesus, know that He understands your physical and mental suffering and He is able to heal you. For you are not any commoner but his “Daughter”. So be of good cheer.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30