Published On: Sun, Jun 19th, 2022

Walk Of Life Day 19, June 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Christ

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Matthew 14: 13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15)

John the Baptist preached about repentance and baptized many people. He openly rebuked Kind Herod about his sins because of which he was imprisoned and later beheaded. His death made Lord Jesus very sad. When the twelve disciples returned from ministering in other towns, He took them and crossed the sea of Galilee on a boat to a town called Bethsaida where He wanted to rest and pray.

The people who saw Lord Jesus leaving the place went ahead by road and reached Bethsaida. When Lord Jesus saw the crowd waiting for him, He felt compassion for them. The death of John the Baptist had left the people like sheep without a shepherd. So, He welcomed and spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing.

When it was late noon, the disciples wanted to send the people away so that they could buy some food for themselves. But Lord Jesus who wanted to feed the multitudes enquired from his disciple Philip who was from Bethsaida where they could buy food. Philip who saw it impossible to feed them, calculated and said that eight months of wages was not enough to satisfy the crowd with little food. When Lord Jesus told them to go and see if anyone had any food, Andrew found a boy with five barley loaves and two small fishes. As directed by Lord Jesus, the people sat in fifties and hundreds waiting for food to eat. Lord Jesus then gave thanks for the food and broke it and gave the baskets to the disciples to distribute among the people. To the disciple’s amazement, they served everyone who ate satisfactorily with twelve baskets of bread left to gather.

This was the only miracle recorded in all the book of gospels in the Holy Bible.

  • Seek first the kingdom of God – The people who followed Lord Jesus did not even think about food, water or clothing when they went by foot to Bethsaida. All they desired for was to learn about the Kingdom of Heaven from the Lord. When you put God first in your life, He will deliver you and fulfill your heart’s desire.  
  • Never Judge your problem in light of your resources – Through this miracle, God is asking you to look past the problem at hand and trust him who can do the impossible for you. “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
  • Put yourself in a position for God to use you big– The poor small boy had very little food just enough for himself. But by offering what he had, he allowed God to use him for something very big, to feed the multitude of people. Many times, you fail to understand why God has kept you in the place where you are. Even though you might feel small and insignificant, God has a plan to use you in his kingdom.
  • Accept God’s invitation to participate – To feed the multitude, Lord Jesus did not actually need bread or fishes. He could command and food could be provided instantly. But by using the boy, He wants you to know that He wants you to participate in the ministry work in anyway possible. For each one has unique gifts like preaching, praying, administering, cooking, electrical works, book-keeping, driving, serving etc which is required to complete God’s work on earth. So, identify your gifts and use it to glorify God.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30