Published On: Sun, Jul 3rd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 3, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms.

Righteous and Unrighteous

Greetings to all the readers in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. For so long we have been meditating on the book of Proverbs, Words of Jesus Christ, Parables of Lord Jesus Christ, miracles of Lord Jesus Christ and so on and by the leading of our Lord we will meditate on the book of Psalms. May our Lord teach us and guide us to understand what He teaches.

Indeed Psalm 1 is one of the very few scripture portions that many of us know by-heart. This chapter consists of 6 verses and it is equally split in such a way to show the difference between righteous and unrighteous.

Attributes of a Righteous Person:

1. He walks not in the counsel of the Ungodly
2. He stands not in the path of sinners
3. He sits not in the seat of the scornful
4. He delights in the law of the Lord and meditates it day and night.
5. He shall be like a tree planted by the waters bringing forth fruit in its season.
6. God knows their way.
7. A righteous is called as a blessed.
8. Whatever he does will prosper.

Attributes of an Ungodly person:

1. They are like the chaff carried out by the wind.
2. they shall not stand in the judgement.
3. They shall not sit in the congregation of righteous.
4. They will perish.

This is the time to introspect our life. Among which category am I now at the present. Yes, after being saved, made righteous by His precious blood are we remaining in the former list or in the later. Are we depending on an ungodly friend’s counsel. Not just a friend. It can even be a doctor. I have heard of people saying that he is my personal doctor. Even for a small complications they have to visit him and they will become satisfied only when he writes a prescription. For sure a godly doctor will not intend to prescribe medicines for anything that can be self cured. Please make sure that even a small piece of counsel you are not getting from an ungodly person.

Just like that where are we standing? Are we taking a stand with the sinners? Are we standing for something that is incorrect? And where are we sitting? Today most of us are sitting in the seat of scornful mobile. be very careful. It’s a question that I ask to me. What am I watching?

There is an article that has been forwarded through the social Media entitled “What if we treated Bible like the way we handle our mobile phones? Looking into it for every notification that is there someone who has sent you a message. Finding a way to get it back if you have forgotten it somewhere. Delighting to scroll it again and again. We lack a lot. Just calculate the time that we spent on the word of God before the mobiles where with us.

If we follow these ways we will be like the tree planted by the waters giving yield in every season and whatever we do will prosper. If we are not prospering there should be a lack in any of the area mentioned above.

And the remaining verse speaks about the unrighteous.

Dearly beloved, our Lord wants us to prosper and He has given us easy steps to follow. There should be nothing exceeding than pleasing our Lord.

Prayer: Loving Father, being in the house of the Lord, being saved and made righteous we have often slipped from the path of being righteous. Please do forgive us and help us to be righteous. Blessed Holy Spirit be our teacher today and everyday. Amen

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.