Published On: Sun, Jul 10th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 10, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

His Excellent Name

LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Psalms 8:1

Psalm 8 is a song of praise. As in many psalms, God’s greatness in creation is portrayed. We may have heard many sermons on this psalm, especially for worship. I just want to dwell on the greatness of God and the insignificance of man along with King David who has recognised that though the LORD was Israel’s covenant God, He was also God of more than just Israel. His name is excellent…in all the earth and He has set His glory above the heavens.

The greatness of God which is revealed through His evident power and glory in creation, both across the earth and in the heavens is not just in the high realms but the power and glory of God can also be seen in small children – babes and nursing infants – as God’s strength is evident even in them.

It is indeed amazing to know God displays His strength in unlikely vessels because it works to silence the enemy.

Aha! Aha! O adversary! To be overcome by behemoth or leviathan might make thee angry; but to be smitten out of infants’ mouths causes thee to bite the dust in utter dishonor. Thou art sore broken, now that ‘out of the mouth of babes and sucklings’ thou art put to shame.” (Spurgeon)

The great heavenly objects such as the moon and the stars are the work of God’s fingers. “Notwithstanding the amazing magnitude of the sun, we have abundant reason to believe that some of the fixed stars are much larger but the fact Each star is a sun.

Considering the greatness of the heavens also made David consider the relative smallness and insignificance of man. David wondered why such a big, great God would be mindful of such small beings.

God is so big that He makes the universe with His fingers; man is so small that he is so tiny and feeble. Yet the truth is God is mindful of man; Before we share David’s question, we should first share his assured confidence that God is mindful of us; He thinks of us and considers what we do. God not only carefully thought about man, but that He had some kind of personal connection and contact with men (that You visit him). He thinks about us and acts in our lives. He has crowned mankind with glory and honor.
There are three wonderful and important truths about man found in this psalm; when these truths are denied or neglected, man never is what God made him to be.

·God made man.

·God made man something glorious.

·God made man for a high and worthy destiny.

Is this not thrilling your soul today that our Lord is considering you.
Are you amidst doubts, fear and conflict waiting to gain strength for the Load that you are shouldering? Just remember the sayings of Jack Hyles

You don’t get strength for the load; you get strength from the load

God never gives us anything to do that He does not give us the strength to do

Remember my brother’s and sisters you are more valuable in the sight of the precious Lord.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name