Published On: Tue, Jul 19th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 19, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalms 14 – Fallen Man and A Faithful God

The thought of this whole psalm is the safety of godliness, and the peril of ungodliness. Here David talks of men who do not believe that God exists and go on their business based on their own knowledge and strength. Advancement of technology, science, existence of evil and suffering and lack of evidence has created many atheists today.

One common belief among scientists is that a distant star collapsed, creating a supernova explosion, which disrupted the dust cloud and caused it to pull together forming the solar nebula. The collision of the particles led to form larger bodies and planets. Asteroids which frequently bombarded the planets have believed to carry fragments of water particles and minerals needed to create life on earth. But the question we need to ask is what are the odds that these collisions would create earth to its perfection as it is today?

To create something perfect, you need to have a perfect creator. The sun, moon, stars, the birds in the sky, the wildlife, the colorful sea creatures, the flora and fauna all talk of the handiwork of an artistic creator. Denying the existence of God is foolish and reveals the corruption in man’s heart. When earth was filled with such corruption, God chose to destroy the whole earth by sending a great flood. When God looked down to see if anyone would still call upon him, Noah and his family found favor and were saved in the ark along with the species of birds and animals we see today.

People are no better today than in times of Noah. They live with no fear of God in their hearts, follow evil practices and live unholy life. Even those who pose to be godly have so much wickedness in their hearts. Romans 3: 22,23 says There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. Yet God so loved the world that he sent his son in whom there is no fault so that through him those who believe He is the Messiah would be made righteous and receive salvation. Only then man would be restored to his former glory that he had in the Garden of Eden.

Dear Readers, how grateful should we believers be that God chose to transform our minds because of which we recognize Lord Jesus as the Messiah. Even the most learned person on earth with all his degree and knowledge do not have the privilege of calling the LORD, Abba Father. We are so unworthy and undeserving, bound to waver like the Israelites who saw all the of the miracles when they were freed from Egypt yet chose to make a golden calf as their God. Still God loves us and He is standing at your door today, knocking and waiting for you to open your heart. Would you still delay in letting him in?


About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30