Published On: Mon, Jul 25th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 25, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 20 – God Saves His Anointed One

This Psalm of David is a prayer of the people made on behalf of the king which was shaped into a song to remember and recall the spiritual strength and glory of that moment. This prayer must have been made when David went to the tabernacle to offer prayers and sacrifices before going to battle. The high priest and the congregation would pray that the mighty right hand of God would help David to be victorious in battle. They would set up their flags or banners for joyful celebration as they believed that the LORD would save his anointed king.

This makes me think of the ultimate Anointed One, Lord Jesus whom the Father chose to be the perfect King of Israel. Lord Jesus became the lamb for a perfect sacrifice to make the atonement for our sins. But He too needed the Father to save him from the attacks of the evil one while He was on earth. That’s why Lord Jesus being God prayed to his Father everyday as he needed to be saved from all temptations, sin, pride, self-reliance, doubt, failure and ultimately even from death by raising him from the dead.

Lord Jesus set an example for us to depend on God to be victorious in life. But many a time we rely on our own strength, people, power of money to be successful. David urges us to remember that in spiritual warfare which we face daily, the only step to attain victory over the evil one is to wholly depend on God’s wisdom and his strength. Only then we will be able to rise and stand firm till we reach our final destination, heaven. So, let’s together as one cry out in prayer saying, “O LORD, Save your people! Answer us when we call!”

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30