Published On: Mon, Sep 19th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 19, September 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 57 – Obtain A Steadfast Heart

This is a Miktam of David addressed to the Chief Musician set to the tune of “Do Not Destroy”. There is a total of four psalms to this tune, Psalm 57, 58, 59 and 75. In all of them, there is a distinct declaration of the destruction of the wicked and the preservation of the righteous. David wrote this psalm when he reached the cave of Adullam after escaping from the Philistine king of Gath.

This psalm helps us to understand that every struggle in life can be dealt with if we respond to it the right way. David was surrounded with troubles everywhere, when he managed to come out of one, another would be waiting for him. Amid all the turmoil, he knew to whom to go, to find rest.

Life Troubles

  • David was alone and in great distress because King Saul, the Philistines and others, all wanted to destroy him. Like a devouring lion who waits for his prey to fall into the trap, his enemies waited for him to be captured and be killed.
  • They accused him unjustly with bitter words that were sharp like a spear or a sword.
  • Wherever David went terror of death followed him.

Right Response

  • David turned to God who is merciful and compassionate instead of men to rescue him from the calamities that had come upon him. Like how a parent bird completely shields its brood from deadly predators and covers them with wings to keep them warm and safe, David longed for his Heavenly Father to do the same for him.
  • Amid threat, David drew nearer to God and understood that God fulfils his purposes in the right time.
  • He trusted God to send help from heaven against those who were pursuing him.

Desired Result

  • Amid all the calamities, David’s faith was strengthened and he regained steadfast confidence in his heart that he will surely receive help from God.
  • This confidence led his heart to sing praises to his maker. With harp and lyre, David’s song of praise reached the clouds from the dark caves of Adullam.
  • God accepted David’s praise who sent help from his father’s household and many who were in trouble joined David who made him their leader. 1 Samuel 20:1
  • Now David was no longer alone for four hundred men were with him. 1 Samuel 20:2

Life is filled with many challenges, sometimes it goes beyond your capacity to bear them. You might think that you can find solutions in the worldly manner like how others do. Just like the medicines which is prescribed by the doctor has its side effects, worldly way of dealing with your life issues will also give you side effects. But if you deal with it weighing it on the scale according to the Word of God, you will find a satisfied result which will enable you to sing praises to your maker from your heart. So, like David let us respond to every issue according to the standards God has set for us to follow, so that we will be blessed by its outcome.


About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30