Published On: Fri, Sep 23rd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 23, September 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 61 – Rock That Is Higher Than I

This psalm of David is composed after he became the King of Israel. The exact timeline of this psalm is unclear, but it seems that he was in trouble, away from home. It could have been written during Absalom’s rebellion or during one of his military campaigns.

  • God’s Spirit leads you to the Rock – David cries and pleads to God to answer his prayers. His circumstances made him so exhausted that he needed a rock, a stable and secure place where he could stand without getting hurt or fear of falling. Being a king with supreme authority, he was the final point of solution to any problem in the kingdom but now that he was in difficulty, he needed someone above his wisdom, abilities and power. Weaken by his situation, he prayed that God himself would lead him to that Rock.
  • God is the Rock – David’s weary soul would find rest from enemy attack only when God would comfort him. Just like the chicks who would feel safe under the shelter of the wings of the parent bird, David longed to take refuge in God’s sanctuary where he could rest securely.
  • Life Secured on the Rock – God had watched over David and kept him safe right from the time he was a shepherd boy. He had faith that his days are in God’s hands and without his will no harm can befall him. Only if God would keep him safe and prolong his life, he could continue to be a shepherd over Israel. He prayed that God’s mercy and truth would preserve his lineage so that he will always have an heir to his kingdom.
  • Promises made are kept by the Rock – God answered David’s prayer through his greater son Lord Jesus Christ who came from David’s lineage. His kingdom reigns forever and by defeating death He sits at the right hand of God judging the people of this world with an iron scepter.

This psalm makes us realize one thing, man how much ever powerful and influential might be, is not free from the troubles of this world. Money, power, force and weapons can get you somewhere in this world but not to the high place where God wants you to be. When Jacob tried to get his brother’s birthright and his father’s blessings in his terms, it led him to run away from his home in fear for his life. Empty handed he went but when he allowed God to lead him, he returned with multitudes in terms of household and wealth. Irrespective of who you are, watch and pray so that you may be led by God to stand on the Rock of Christ safe and secure from all evil. Then, you will be able to sing praises to God and daily walk in the path of righteousness honoring God and His Church.


About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30