Published On: Sun, Oct 16th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 15, October 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms.

Psalm 73

Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.

There was once a friendly conversation going on between two believers. One said,” The moment I got baptized troubles started entering my life.” The other one smiled and said,” every Christian has to face tests in life. A Christian’s life is tougher. If not, they need to check if there is something wrong with them.”

It is true. A Christian’s life is not a way of roses, but a way of thorns. Though we have thorny road, the destination is worthy.

Asaph writes this psalm. As believers I believe that many of us can relate ourselves to Asaph after reading this psalm written by him. We could be saying,” Brother Asaph, even I felt the same.” He writes the doubts that has concerning the foolish, wicked and ungodly. In our spiritual walk, we happen to take either short or lengthy pauses thinking about others. Here others refer to ungodly, or people who do wrong. We often think how these people are excelling in their lives despite of doing all wrong deeds. Sometimes, our blood boils when we hear them, who gain by doing wrong, say,” God blessed me.” Our immediate questions would be directed towards God. “What have you done? Don’t you know what wrong deeds they have been doing? How could you bless them despite of knowing they are bad? Are you being unjust?”

Asaph could feel the same pain, grief and restlessness, but once he had received understanding from the Lord, he felt relieved. After understanding their end, he was no longer burdened concerning them.

If you are here with such heavy heart, do not worry. Our God is just.  He judges everyone according to their works in His time. If someone chooses a wrong route it is not to you, but unto God they are doing wrong, so let God deal with them. We need to stop our spiritual walk to ponder what is going to happen with them, or to observe what is happening with them at every step.

Secondly, Asaph pens down few beautiful words in the end. “Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” Our focus should never shift from Christ to anyone or anything. When we have our focus on Him, we would not be grieved thinking of ungodly, their actions and their end.

If at all we come across anyone whose way of living is troubling us, let us stop getting troubled and let us pray for them. As we know their end, let us plead God to change them, so that they might escape that worse thing which is waiting for them for doing wrong deeds.

May our Lord help us in healing our heavy, restless heart, and give us a heart to pray for them.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.