Published On: Fri, Dec 23rd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 23, December – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 111 – Great Are His Works

This is probably composed by the psalmist for public worship where he describes Yahweh and his mighty works.

Exalt God – The psalmist starts and ends the psalm by declaring God’s praises among people. The wonders He does for you is not to keep it to yourself, but to proclaim it in the great assembly.

Study his Great Works – The Hebrew words for ‘wonderful deeds’ is ‘ niphla’oth ’ means simply cannot understand. This word is used many times in recounting the events of the exodus from Egypt. When God choose to do wonders it’s always something different, striking and remarkable, something transcending human intelligence and imagination. Studying of scriptures brings blessing in many ways.

  • The three wise men from the east studied the scriptures and figured out the expected time and date of the Messiah’s birth. Trusting the scriptures, they travelled far distance carrying gifts to meet the Saviour about whom it was prophesised. Secrets were revealed only when they searched the scriptures thoroughly. Following the bright star, their faith led them at last to the manger where Lord Jesus born.
  • When the Ethiopian Eunuch was reading the scriptures from Isaiah which he did not even understand, God honoured his faith and sent his disciple Philip to help him gain understanding about the scriptures which enabled him to receive the Messiah in his heart.

In both the cases, scriptures led people to the faith that God expects us to have.

Remember his Great Works – When the psalmist in Psalm 103:2 said, “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits”, he was giving us the message that you need to remember God’s work throughout your life.

  • In testing times, it will help you to possess faith like that of Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah who testified that their God is able to deliver them from the burning furnace and even if He does not, serving other gods is not what they choose to do.
  • Habakkuk, the prophet was strengthened in the Lord even though he did not see prosperity in Israel because he remembered and stood at awe of God’s deeds of the past and believed that He can do it again.

Time to time God has done many wonderous things for those who have called upon him. He is the same God who can do things which seems impossible in your sight. So, remember that Lord Jesus never fails.

Nature of his Great Works – God knew you even before you came to be and set you apart to be his people. He is loving, compassionate, righteous and faithful to all his promises. Even if you might forget to read Bible or spend time in prayer, He is always waiting for you to call on him for He delights in delivering his children for all harm.

Isaiah 55: 6 says “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” As you seek, learn and remember his good works, you will realise that fellowship with him is a reverent and a fearful relationship with a higher calling.


About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30