Published On: Fri, Mar 3rd, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 3 March 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 137 – Mourning For Jerusalem

This psalm is sung in mourning remembering the fallen city of Jerusalem. Israel was taken captive by the Babylonians who enslaved and tormented them whereas those with skills were trained to work for the King.

Jerusalem in Ruins – After toiling in the fields, whenever they would think of spending their time religiously, they would wish to sing songs with harps but the thought of desolate Jerusalem would fill their hearts with distress. Unable to sing, they would keep their harp on the branches of the willow tree. Babylonians would join them and request them to sing joyful songs of Zion which further troubled their sorrowful heart.

Promise to Restore Jerusalem – Relief came when they heard the word of the Lord in a letter written by Jeremiah to the priests, prophets and all the people who were exiled which said to settle down and build houses, gardens and eat what they produce. God commanded to marry and increase in number.  Also to pray for the peace and prosperity of the city to which they were exiled till the appointed time comes for them to be restored. This encouraged them to wait in hope that they will rebuild Jerusalem again. (Jeremiah 29)

Love above all for Jerusalem –  Jerusalem was not just a piece of land for the Jews, but it represents the covenant, temple, presence of God’s glory, atonement, forgiveness and reconciliation for their people. Separation from it has been the most painful thing they had to face in their lifetime. Even though God enabled the Persian King, Cyrus to show favor and let them go back to rebuilt their city and the temple, they had to face this pain again when the Romans destroyed it during their rule. Following this, the Jews got scattered to the ends of the world.

But the fire in their hearts for Jerusalem never extinguished. They made all efforts to make their way back home. Wherever they lived, they would leave at least a yard square of house unfinished or unplastered on which it would be written ‘If I forget Jerusalem,’ or else words like ‘Zecher leehorban’ meaning ‘The memory of the desolation’, to never forget that Jerusalem and the temple laid desolate.

Prayers offered for Jerusalem – They offered prayers to God to destroy their enemies and not forget their neighboring kingdom of Edomites who helped the Babylonians in destroying Jerusalem. Prayers like, ‘Happy is the one who takes and dashes your little ones against the rock!’ were made in light of their own suffering of seeing their little one killed by the enemies. Although one can sympathize with the impulse of the psalmist, you need to remember that you have a greater calling in Christ to pray down reconciliation and not pronounce judgments on those who have harmed you.

Israel who is engraved in God’s palms became a nation on 14 May 1948 and prayers are offered till date in front of the Western Wall wailing for the temple which still lies desolate.

May their prayers be answered. Amen.



About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30