Published On: Sat, Mar 4th, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 4 March 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 138 – He Will Make Perfect That Concerns You

This psalm is written by David, timeline not known but whoever edited the sacred poems have arranged it wisely after Psalm 137 where the psalmist describes his inability to sing before the heathens. Psalm 138 is a declaration that the kings of all nations will praise Yahweh.

David must have written this song when he had become a fugitive and had to take refuge in a foreign land. His faith in God was tested here, but he chose to remain truthful and worshiped God turning towards Jerusalem in the midst of other gods. He gave thanks to God for his mighty hand of protection that saved him from King Saul’s death threat and for his comforting arms that helped him to survive days without proper food and rest in the wilderness.

This same feeling was shared many years later by the exiled Israel who had become slaves in a foreign land. It is there they gained an undivided heart towards Yahweh whom they had neglected under their misleading kings. It is here their faith was strengthened and they could stand firm before other gods and praise Yahweh without fear. Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah displayed their commitment to God, even when faced with a painful death. Because of their faith, God delivered them from the evil and in doing so, brought the mighty king of Babylon to recognize his Lordship over heaven and earth.

When David said, “May all the kings of the earth praise you, Lord, when they hear what you have decreed”, he was actually declaring of the sacrifices and risks one has to take to make it happen. How can one hear his decrees, only when it is been told by someone like you. Doesn’t mean that all have go on preaching on a podium, but you should be ready to do the small part in the place God has placed you to do. It can be a small encouraging word of love to the lowly or even providing a small meal to the hungry. Even the tiniest effort done for his glory, He will honor and will surely attend the lowly, who receive the Lord with a clean heart but the proud He will reject.

Even though you have weakness, He is able to make perfect what concerns you if you let him into your life now. For his creating hands formed your soul at the beginning, his nail-pierced hands redeemed you on Calvary, his glorified hands is holding your soul fast, waiting to receive you with an outreached arm in heaven where He plans to dwell with you forever.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30