Home Call – Bro.Albert Selvaraj

Bro.Albert Selvaraj , was promoted to Glory on 20-02-2020. Bro.Albert Selvaraj was elder at Hermon House Of Worship and also at New Jerusalem House Of Worship, Bangalore. More...

Sis Chandra’s Home Call
Sis Chandra D/O Late Rajarathinam, Lords Handmaiden at Hebron Hyderabad entered into Glory on 7/04/2020. Funeral was on 08/04/2020 at Narayanaguda Cemetery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMhRE9J9gm4 Eulogy-Bro.Sam More...

Bro. Daniel Rai — Father-figure and Shepherd
A brief biography of the late Servant of God and Elder of El Shaddai assembly in Kalimpong who transformed the hilly areas of North East with his missionary zeal to win souls for Christ Born on 2nd September More...

Chithra Aunty Promoted to Glory on 25 -11-2015
Sis.Dr.Chithra went to be with the Lord on 25-11-2015.Kindly uphold the church and her near and dear ones in yourprayers. More...

Sis.Sarah Theodore W/O Bro.Theodore Reginald called to Glory
1 Corinthians 15:52-57 “in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself More...