Published On: Tue, Dec 10th, 2013

Khandwa Prayer House dedication report by Bro.C.Rajangam

Khandwa Church Dedication photos
Praise the Lord!
As you all know, I had a privilege to attend the Khandwa dedication and witness the wondrous doing of the Lord in North India…Hope you might have already heard all the details…Since i had a opportunity to behold the wondrous things, i ll try to share few things…

Though the meetings were scheduled on Oct 2nd to 4th, I had a chance to go ahead via Ahmadabad and Indore in connection with my official work at A

So, 28th September i reached Indore and on 29th Sunday i worshiped there with our young brother Isaiah. For me, it’s a matter  most exciting in the Lord when i could see the full packed congregation in that rented hall. Because, In Patmos along with uncle and others we have been praying for that place when no body was there except our dear Bro&Sis.Eldhose Kirupa family stayed as ambassadors for Christ and are doing ministry. If i need to tell in one word”Lord is doing Great things”…Very loving believers-Bro.Aaron, God servant who was posted recently,is  doing good job-It was very touching onSunday morning,those who work in colleges,came before time,doing cleaning work,spreading mats and making all the arrangements..Worship was so good & all went well…There are still many things to share.

On 29th i reached Khandwa with Bro.Isaiah…Already uncle Kuruvilla,aunty,Bro.Prasad family,Bro.Rohit family and Bro.Solomon were there.Many Eashwarka ghar believers already arrived…Along with preparatory work,continuous family prayer,special meetings,testimonies,prayers were going on…Many servants of God all around India started coming there and had their own share in ministry….
Premi parameshwarka Ghar ie. New house of God is so lovely and well furnished to worship and function as Missionary training center…

2nd and 3rd Oct,God servants prayer was very powerful.Since North and south Indian servants unitedly prayed,it shook the entire place…Harvest of that tears is very near…Lord has been working through His servants who toiled there without any facilities..We were in tears when we could listen to all those testimonies…1st day’s prayer was mainly worshiping, confessing and for Madhya pradesh. 2nd day’s prayer was for the whole of North India where ministry needs God’s hand…..Overall it was amazing prayer that i ever experienced…

Now the long waited day arrived…What can i tell about Oct 4th…It was Glorious day….The day begun as if  it were a special Sunday…Everything set in the Premi parameshwarka Ghar to celebrate the victory of the Lord in dark places among the enemies…..

Believers&servants who gathered from all around India assembled at Prem Ghar ie old prayer house built for Kandwah believers long back.Uncle Eddy williams,with all his challenges made possible his presence though he couldn’t speak much..For the representation of other countries, Bro.Kenneth timothy also presented …When we saw the Prem Ghar&Premei parameshwar Ka Ghar, we could understand how the Lord loves the poor believers and the work in N.I….

From there, a Glorious procession started and ended by inspiring Song and Prayer of Uncle Philiph over mobile which was connected to mic enabled to hear by all….
Then worship service ,breaking of bread,testimony by Uncle Kuruvilla,message by Uncle eddy&Kenneth,Testmony by Uncle Anand Abraham and so on…we could feel God’s Glorious Presence,Power,Protection in entire program….Our Lord is great and greatly to praised….

I can say, it is only a beginning what God can do through His faithful remnant in the midst of disharmony among believers&leaders which is the modern tool by which Satan is trying to destroy  the church and its vision…..
With much rejoicing and at the same time with heavy heart we signed off from Prasad and family who are left behind by the Lord for the Great commission….
Thanks for bearing my writings….
Let’s unitedly Pray for the  Progress in the Plan of God concerning His burden in the last days…
For me it was a much challenging trip……
I have attached few glimpses…You may get better pictures through others. The Best is your visit to Kandwa and North India….
Lets too… Love North, Go North and Give our Talent, Time and Treasure for North in the center of His will….
In Him


About the Author

- A born again Believer in CHRIST.Have passion to Share Gospel.Professionally i am Software Engineer.My Favorite lines "Your life is God’s gift to you; make it as your gift to God". Let us all work together for the extension of HIS KINGDOM and GLORIFY HIS NAME alone.