Published On: Thu, Feb 25th, 2016

The Church



Church!!! Where its heading to? Where is the New Testament Church now?

Church is the Body of Christ, Christ being our head.

So many unwanted things are happening in the Church, emotional messages, traditional meetings like rituals.

It has become like a matrimonial place for some, social connect for some. So many worldly things have come in.

My colleague, a heathen, once said, “People are not fed up with Christ but with the Church”.

A Godly man once said, “I was searching for the Church, I found it in the world, I was searching for the world, I found it in the Church”, very sad and very true.

Jealousy, Pride, Arrogance, Hatred, Gossiping, what not! everything one can experience and see in the Church.

Our fellowship started by our dear Bro. Bakht Singh had a humble start. Once upon a time Bro. Bakht Singh Churches were the poorest financially. But now, Bro. Bakht Singh Churches are one of “The

Richest”. God blessed our fellowship immensely (Spiritual, Material, Financial). Unfortunately our eyes are now on Money, even the people of this world their eyes are on Money, but whats the difference? We are hypocrites but they are not.

Our fellowship is being led by “Rear-View Mirror” vision leaders. During sermons we’re always, all the time reminded of what happened in the past, Jehovah Shammah days, Elim days, early Hebron

days. We dont have proper focus or vision of what needs to be done for the future generation. Future is ahead and one needs to look at the Windshield and move forward. But we’re spending more time

looking at the Rear-View Mirror which has already led to some scratches and God is gracious enough and saving us from crashing.

Youngsters in our fellowship are afraid or not interested to attend the Church but are interested to attend youth fellowships organised by some groups working among the youth like EU, YFC, etc., I believe we havent understood the needs of our current generation youngsters. We are just going by the grandpa way of dealing with youngsters, not willing or trying to listen to their needs but just rubbing old solutions to the fresh wounds. Word of God being the same forever, I guess we should adopt new methods in counselling & leading youngsters.

Church is getting ready for eternity with Christ, thats the reason why enemy attacks the Church always since it knows that the Church is one organisation which is going to be eternal.

Jesus says, “I will build my Church”, Lord Jesus, please build …

About the Author

- Believer of Lord Jesus Christ. Member of the Local Church Ephratah Prayer House, Vengal Rao Nagar, Hyderabad, India. - Sola Scriptura - Solus Christus - Sola Gratia - Sola Fide - Soli Deo Gloria -