Walk of Life – Day 21 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Proverbs 21:1 – The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will. (ESV)
This verse has been very close to my heart over the years. Every time I am faced with an unprecedented situation, be it a rough boss, an angry coworker, a challenging interview panel, or a difficult relationship or friendship, I cling on to this verse.
The heart of every single human being, not just kings is in the hand of the Lord. The wordings are so beautiful. The king’s heart is like a stream of water. This reminds me of a farmer, who very carefully directs the streams of water by channels and sluices so that they benefit the fields. He makes sure that every area of his field is watered and the crops are growing well. The Lord is in control. He directs each man’s heart as HE wills to fulfil His divine purposes. Today being in the midst of a pandemic and the way the whole situation has been handled by world rulers, we need to pray and claim this verse that the Lord who holds each heart, and without whose permission nothing happens would direct the hearts of all our rulers to do the right thing.
Also, we need to pray for church leaders, evangelists, pastors, teachers that the Lord would guide each heart to prepare this present generation for His coming. He is all sovereign, He is in control, and on the throne. Always rest assured that He will direct the hearts of men to fall in line with His divine purpose.
Also, are you facing a difficult relationship today, is a friendship at the point of breaking? Is a very close relationship at a difficult crossroad? Are you wondering why someone is just not able to understand your feelings? Tell the Lord, my friend. Every single heart is in His hands. I remember days I will tell the Lord, stop this misunderstanding please, turn that person’s heart Lord, and slowly things will improve. Every heart including your own is in His control. Let it be our prayer that the Lord changes our own hearts to always be tuned to do His will and also direct the hearts of others we are in contact with so that collectively we fulfill His divine purpose in our lives.