Unfailing Love – The Love of God (A poem)
Disliked, detested,
Forsaken, rejected, unvalued,
For a crime not mine, a physical defect not my choice!
How I longed you would look into my eyes,
You would see my innermost being,
The love, kindness, and compassion in my soul,
A loving caress, a warm embrace, an understanding smile,
You were there but you were not!!…I knew each second that I was unloved,
I, not the favored one, how it hurt, the blow on my heart!
Attractive, beautiful,
Charming, pretty, stunning,
That was her, my sister and you loved her more,
We were siblings and friends till you came in,
And then, jealousy creeped in, rivalry began to tear me apart,
It was so painful to be the one hated and despised,
Specially by the one created to be a help meet for me
The one who is supposed to love me unconditionally,
I, not the favored one, how it hurt, the blow on my heart.
Cared for,
Mothered, protected,
Fondled, caressed, supported, preserved,
By my Beloved who created my innermost being,
Each son, a living testimony of the compassion of a loving God,
He looked on my affliction, He heard I was hated,
He gave me my wages, and truly Him will I praise,
The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the one who cares,
For a weeping heart, a groaning soul, a lonely spirit,
For Him, I Leah, was the favored one, who healed the blow on my heart.
(The story of Leah and Rachel, the Book of Genesis)
So nice 😍