Published On: Mon, Aug 1st, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 01, August 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 23 – God Is My Shepherd

This is a well-known psalm which is memorized by many and has comforted people who are going through severe trials, suffering illness or death. Here David relates himself to a sheep in its foolishness, it’s dependency and wrapped nature of its will. The sluggish sheep often is in the habit of wandering away from the flock and finds itself in position where it needs its shepherd to come and rescue it. The shepherd knows all the troubles the sheep faces like the flies, predatory animals, fiction among the sheep and hunger. He makes sure to satisfy the sheep on all areas so that it can lie down peacefully in the pasturelands.

When we think of the pastureland, a picture of rich green meadows with plenty of water comes to your mind. But the fact is the Judean pastureland dry up completely in peak summer and looks very dry like a desert. Yet the shepherd takes the flock of sheep to graze there. It’s because even with very little rains, the small amount of moisture in the air condenses into droplets at the edge of the rocks enabling little greens to grow on the turf’s which is just what the sheep requires for its complete nourishment.

The sheep completely trusts the shepherd to guide them to cross the dangerous dark valleys. They know that the shepherd will use his rod and staff to beat off predatory animals and direct the sheep on the right paths leading to safety. The sheep do not fear any evil for they know that the shepherd will not leave even one sheep behind.

Isaiah 40:11 says, “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.” God loves his children and carries them through all the rough patches in their life. He surely has planned everything ahead of time for you to be overcomers so that you will wear the crown of victory bringing glory to his name. When David looked back in his life, he understood that God had set everything beforehand for him so that he would be victorious. It may be providing him a friend to comfort him, fighting men to stand by his side, food when he was hungry, place to hide when he was running as a fugitive, a family life, humbleness not to harm the anointed king or wisdom in dealing with political crisis in the nation, God was in control of every situation and He provided David all he needed at that time. Despite the dangers, David enjoyed God’s goodness which made him refreshed like his head being anointed with oil. His heart overflowed with joy as he lived with faithful expectation of enjoying God’s goodness all the days of his life.

David ends this psalm with the calmest assurance that he would enjoy the presence of the LORD forever – both in his days on this earth and beyond. This psalm encourages not worry about your tomorrow based on today’s pastures. Know that you have Jehovah Jireh as your shepherd who will provide you what you need right now and ten minutes from now, He expects you to trust in him just enough.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30