Published On: Tue, Feb 1st, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 01, February 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Love!

Love The Rebuke Of The Lord

Turn at my rebuke;Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. – Proverbs 1:23

The first month of the year 2022 has got over and we have stepped into the second month of this year. Indeed our Lord carried us through many ups and downs and this second month is celebrated as the month of love all around the world. May our Lord enrich us with the knowledge of knowing more about Him and His attributes. And as readers of the daily devotion of Hebron Times may we tune our hearts to know more about what to love and what not to love throughout this month as the Lord teaches us.

What will we love? Obviously the answer is we will love something that attracts us, something that is good, adorable and pleasant. But today our Lord tells us to love His rebuke. Love his chastening. He asks us to turn to His rebuke and in the previous verse He asks how long will you love simplicity? Simplicity here refers of being simple in knowledge. Simple in understanding. Simple at tasks. We are called to be extraordinary. The children of the most High Perfect God. We have tend to neglect understanding and wisdom. Many a times we have preferred to watch videos that fascinate us and are very easy to our understanding rather than choosing the ones we need to concentrate or focus. In the same way how do we choose people to mingle with. Do we find the people who converse vain babbling with humour and fun to be adaptable or do we long to sit along with people who impart wisdom and knowledge.

As a teacher it is very easy to segregate people based on their choice of friends. A student who has more zeal to learn will always be with the one who is more determined or will always be in the library with books or with the teachers from whom they can gather details of information.

In the same way as the Children of God are we loving to be simple? Our Lord is calling today to love is rebuke. Many a times we have heard the importance of yearning for knowledge and wisdom and so He is not calling us softly and tenderly. He is rebuking us to return back to Him and with a promise that He will pour out His spirit upon us and he will make His words known to us.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Wisdom sent down from above. Today He is calling us to return back. My dear brother or sister whoever is reading this if you are feeling low thinking that our Lord is very harsh towards you do not regret or do not hate because He does that as He loves you. He is a loving God who is waiting to fill you with His spirit and to make His words known to you. Love His rebuke.

Revelation 3:19 says As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.

Prayer: Oh God of love there is no one to love me even a single step ahead of you. I praise and thank you Father For such an amazing love because of which you rebuke me. Lord you are so zealous about spending eternity with me and so you constantly are at the back of me. i thank You Lord. here am I returning back to you. Thank you for the promise that you have given to me that you will fill me with your spirit and will make your words known to me. In Jesus name I offer this praise and request. Amen.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.