Published On: Fri, Dec 2nd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 02, December 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 101– A King’s Determination to Rule Righteously

In this psalm, King David seems to be making declaration before God as his witness to do what is right. David was anointed as king three times, first by Prophet Samuel in his youth (1Samuel 16:13), second after King Saul’s death, he was declared king over the tribe of Judah at Hebron (2 Samuel 2:4) and third over all the tribes of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). Before he became a king, He had time in the  wilderness to think about what kind of king he should be. So he set a standard for himself to strive not to repeat his predecessor’s mistakes and to make his monarchy a copy of God’s kingdom.

David’s Declarations of I Will’s :

  • Sing praise of his love and mercies – Day or night, in safety or danger, in plenty or lacking, in joy or sorrow God strengthened, sustained, comforted  and delivered David from all turmoil’s life threw at him. Through it all he praised God and waited patiently for his perfect timing.
  • Be careful to lead a blameless life – No man is born perfect; one has to work on himself persistently to do what is right. One can achieve this by learning from the Word and by accepting godly counsel. When God placed David in a powerful position, he did not misuse his power but rather chose to be a wise and a just ruler.
  • Conduct the affairs of the house with a blameless heart – Home is the hardest place to walk perfectly than among strangers where you are conscious of your behaviour. It is here that you discover how far from perfect you are and how you are the least of his saints. It is at home that God educates, trains and teaches great lessons of sanctification and prepares you for great victories. 
  • Set nothing wicked before my eyes – One can measure a righteous life by what he chooses to set his eyes on. Lust of the eyes was the sin which Satan used to entice Eve to eat the forbidden fruit which resulted in sin. “For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.” 1 John 2:16. It is vital to understand that what you see and what you read is what you will be, hence reading the Word and eliminating everything that displeases God will lead us in the right paths.
  • Have no part with faithless people – David had bitter experiences with those who acted as friends who eventually betrayed him. He realized that having honest people around you whom one can rely on is more important than being around influential people. 
  • Have nothing to do with evil – Perverse heart are those who are impatient, headstrong, hate the truth and follow evil ways. David determined to rule with cleanliness of heart.
  • Put to silence Slanderous people are those who succeed by the ruin of others, which are the common pests of courts and kingdoms. God hates lies and David chose not to have any fellowship with those who talk on others and destroy others life for their benefit.
  • Not Tolerate – Capturing other properties and unjust practices after gaining power was a common practice which David decided not to follow. He wanted to be a righteous king. 

Even though David might have failed to follow some of the standards set by him and sinned against God. When confronted, he was humble to repent, take responsibility and accept discipline from God. In his brokenness, he always turned back to God and regained his strength. That’s why David is called a man after God’s own heart. As you have entered advent season, let’s utilise the next thirty days to reflect on all the wrongs you have done in the past and set godly standards for yourself to rectify your mistakes one by one.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30