Walk Of Life – Day 02, November 2021 – Give Thanks Unto The Lord
Give Thanks For He Is King
Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; In Your hand it is to make great And to give strength to all.- 1 Chronicles 29:12
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ is the King Eternal, Immortal and invisible. He reigns forever and ever and His throne is for everlasting. One of the grandest descriptions of our Lord is “King of Kings.” It is used to declare God’s authority over all creation, and reminds believers of His power and might. Even Nebuchadnezzar, a very great Old Testament King, came to acknowledge God as his sovereign in the book of Daniel “His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation…Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just” (Daniel 4:34, 37).”
We have a King, and His name is Jesus. And He is not just A king but The king—the King of Kings, with authority and dominion over all things. Jesus did not usher in the same type of kingdom that David or Solomon ruled over. He did not come to overthrow Roman rule by force, as some expected, but instead rules and reigns over the hearts and lives of His people. He takes full dominion of our life. He is the king who is in control of every situation. We were subjected to sin and darkness but now as we read in 1 Peter 2:9 He has called us into the marvelous light and has given us his kingship to us making us kings and priests.
There was a king who had no children. The fear of who is going to be on the throne next to him haunted him too much. One day while he was on rounds around the city a little boy who did not even given consideration to the king was busy picking up the rags and filling his stomach with the waste food. The King saw the boy and asked his commanders to bring the boy near him. The King looked at the boy very keenly in His eyes and said “He is the heir to my throne.” That single sentence of the king changed the entire life of the boy. The boy was forced to learn right from the scratch. Everything was new and difficult for the boy to accommodate. But that did not matter. He was trained and was given the best in life. All because of that one sentence “He is the heir to my throne”.
Is that not amazing. We also were like that boy without being considered and in a very lowly estate. Our Lord considered us and made us worthy to be the heirs of His royal and everlasting throne. Aren’t you feeling thankful to Christ the King for having dominion of our lives and making us His joint-heirs?