Published On: Wed, Nov 4th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 04, November 2020- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 4:25 “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.”

Long back I heard that the horse which is used for racing has blinds on either side of its face. It is for the horse to look ahead and not anywhere else. If the horse is not having these blinds, it gets distracted by looking here and there.

Our spiritual walk is compared to a race, an athlete will aim at the finish point, he will not let his sight reach the people cheering for him. In the same way, the above verse instructs us to look ahead.

One day, the disciples of the Lord Jesus were sailing on a boat. They suddenly see the Lord Jesus walking towards them on the water. All were surprised. Peter asked,” Lord if it is you, make me to walk on the waters too.” For which the He said, “Come.” Peter walked few steps but soon started drowning. This took place because his vison was shifted from the Lord Jesus to the wind and the waves around him. (Matthew 14:22-23)

In our spiritual walk, we need to walk amidst many situations which terrify us. They are like the winds that disturbed Peter. However, we should never forget that it is the Lord Jesus who is standing in front of us and waiting for us to reach Him. The winds that blow hard are visible to the Lord also. If He finds it is harder for you to move on, He will carry you. Never look at the circumstances and stop in the way, keep going till you reach the Lord.

The same disciple, that is, Peter was once again exhorted by the Lord Jesus when he was curious to know about the other disciple’s future (John 20:21-22). When God has called you, it means that He has a separate plan and purpose for you. Remember that you are unique in the sight of the Lord. Never look and worry about other people. Our eyes should always be on the Lord who is walking before us. We need to follow His footsteps. When you look at others, you only find discouragements and disappointments.

We should look ahead because ahead of us is our destination. As a child of God, our destination is the heaven where our Lord dwells. When we look here and there as discussed earlier, we drown and miss the way. Looking ahead of us we see the foot steps of our Lord Jesus. Those foot steps are very clearly found in the Holy Bible in the form of verses. When we follow the Word of God, we stay and keep moving forward in the right path.

“When you are drowning in fear, doubt, or discouragement, never forget your lifeguard (Jesus) walks on water.”

Let this be your saying, “When I look up, I see no one except Jesus.” (Matthew 17:8)



About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.