Walk Of Life – Day 05, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words of Jesus Christ
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, – John 11:25
Having living in a hopeless world the only hope that we all have is that our Lord is the resurrection and life. I say truly from my heart that everyday I have the same prayer. I say to the Lord, Father I am feeling very weak and tired. Help me to run the race holding your hands. Help me to diffuse your fragrance in-spite of all my circumstances and bestow me your life that I may live. Sometimes it seems that there is no life within me. I wonder how many others feel the same? but to run the race we need life and just not a normal life that all the worldly people leads but the life of Christ as we just not run but we are running to obtain. Obtain what? Obtain the eternal life that is readily and freely given through the death and resurrection of our Lord.
Life is very meaningful when we are filled with this hope that our Lord Jesus Christ is our resurrection and life. All our doubts, weariness, fears and anxieties will fly away when we are filled with this thought. Satan again and again tries to make us upset and also make us to feel weary, tired and weak but beloved brothers and sisters do not feel discouraged. Our Lord reminds us today that He is our life.
sing this chorus as you are reading this passage.
My life is in You, Lord,
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord
In You, it’s in You.
I will praise You with all of my heart.
I will praise You with all of my Strength
With all of my life, and all of my strength.
All of my hope is in You.
Be rejuvenated. Proclaim that God is your life and strength. Overcome the Satan who is making you to feel as though you are dead. Be strengthened. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. For He has said that if you believe in Him even if you die you will be alive. And how much more sure that we will be filled with life when we are alive. The man who sat near the pool of Shiloh was just as a dead man sitting in the same place waiting for someone to immerse him into the pool but he should have begun feeling lifeless over a period of time. Things changed, his experience about life changed when Jesus Christ entered His life. It is the same experience with all those who have experienced the miracle of Jesus Christ.
Dearly beloved in Christ, Have you gone very far from the Lord. Lord is calling you to experience Life and His resurrection. Be filled with the assurance that even if you die you will live.