Published On: Wed, Apr 5th, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 05, April 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

 “Blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 144:15

Unlike the four preceding psalms that was penned by David while he was persecuted by King Saul, this is believed to have been written near the time David came to be recognized as the king over all the tribes of Israel. The psalm expresses David’s heart for the nation in both war and peace.

  • Through this psalm, David acknowledges with triumph and thankfulness for the great goodness of God to him in advancing him to the governing position he had reached. A position which he gained by submission and reverence to God’s law and not by force or worldly ways. Verse 1-3
  • He still had many enemies like the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:17) who threatened him again and again and instead of relying on his strength, he prayed and sought God’s guidance (2 Samuel 5:19) to overcome them. He did not just offer prayers for his present situation but also for the future generation. Verse 5-8, 11
  • He prayed for the prosperity of his own kingdom and pleased himself with the hopes of it. Verse 9,10,12-14

It is amazing David saw the LORD not just as the Creator of this world but also of the universe consisting of the uncountable celestial bodies visible to the eyes and unknown to man. While the kings of the earth exalted themself over their victories in war, David exalted God who is mightier and whose understanding is beyond limit. Above all, David understood the depth of God’s unconditional love for mankind, when he said, Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.” Verse 3, 4

Stop all that you are doing this moment and think of all that God has done to establish you to the place where you are today in family, society, career and in the House of God. Do you really deserve his favor?  Just a tiny spec is the population of the whole world in the universe to the LORD, yet he blesses those who keep faith with him in their homes, gives them well rooted sons, stable and graceful daughters, blesses the work of their hands and keeps them at peace and in safety in the communities they live in. As if this was not enough, He also has secured an eternal home for them in heaven.

How much in debt we are to the son (Lord Jesus) who went to the length of getting himself crushed by his own creation, so that they can be reunited with Abba Father who longed to have them reunited to himself. One can’t surely measure the depth of love Christ showed at the cross nor can imagine the intensity of physical pain he bore in his body for us. It is by this Holy sacrifice of the Lamb that we as God’s covenant people could receive heavenly and earthly blessing. It is reserved for the generation of people who follow the statues of the Lord and who know the LORD as their own.

The beauty here which many people are missing out is, one need not be a well known evangelist, singer, active member of the church or a pastor to receive such a blessing. You just need to have Christ in your heart  and seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. Then Lord Jesus will become the Strength you can rely on, Rock upon which you will build a successful home, Fortress and a High Tower in whom you can take refuge, Deliverer and a Shield who will always protect you. So, let’s choose to be such blessed people whose God is the LORD.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30