Published On: Wed, Mar 10th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 06, March 2021 – C R O S S Of The Calvary


1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

At the cross, we see the beautiful transition of a soul’s journey. The Cross, where our dear Lord Jesus shed His precious blood for the remission of our sins, serves as a way for change in state of a person who looks at it with hope. There is no other alternative for change, every one has to go through the cross to experience that blessed change in their lives.

In this blessed season where most of the world laments for no reason, but as a tradition, let us meditate on what change we have experienced through and at the cross of Calvary.

The verse picked from 1Peter 2:9 mentions of all the privileges that we as the children of God enjoy. One of such greatest privileges is to be called as the ‘Royal Priesthood’. In the Old Testament we read the qualities a priest requires. A priest’s duty is to serve as a representative of the people before God. In olden days (before the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ), people did not have the direct access to go to the Lord to offer their offerings or to submit their requests. There were priests chosen by the Lord himself who would serve as a representative by entering into His presence on behalf of the people who waited outside. We read in Hebrews 12:14 that without holiness no man can see God. This makes it clear that for a person to enter God’s presence, he has to be holy.

When we look back at our lives where we were living all by ourselves, not regarding the commandments of the Lord Jesus, we were very far from being called ‘holy’. Though we live in the days where we could attend gatherings without any such restrictions which were present in the old testament, our physical presence in the gathering is visible, but spiritually we were somewhere very far from the Lord Jesus. God hates sin. When we were living in sin, we have provoked the Lord many times to anger. We lived as His rivals by doing every possible thing that would cause pain to the Lord Jesus.

Instead of anger, the Lord Jesus Christ was moved with compassion when he looked at our rivalry towards Him. He knew that we were in a helpless state. Even though we had the desire to refrain from the bad deeds that we have been doing, we did not know how to get out of that miry clay. We needed a helping hand which would help us out of it.

At the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood to cleanse us from all the filth that we were covered with, imputed His holiness to us. He has covered us with His holiness and has given us the access to enter into His presence. We received the bold entrance to His presence at any hour irrespective of the place that we reside in and irrespective of the time.

The journey from being rivals to the Lord Jesus to serving Him as a royal priest happened only through the cross of Calvary. Now we are no more rivals to the almighty, we are made as responsible representatives pleading for the perishing souls and also proclaiming the greatness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Have you been to the cross to experience the transition from being a rival to being a royal priest for Christ?

Have you been performing your duty as a chosen royal priest of the Lord Jesus, interceding for the perishing souls?

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the cross on which you have died to turn my rivalry to royal priesthood. Thank you for your love towards me which has ignored my sin but has seen a helpless sinner like me with love. Help me Lord to serve you according the calling with which you have called me. Help me to serve as a royal priest to you and to the people whom you have loved. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.